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homestead - Re: [Homestead] Homesteading as an Economic Basis

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  • From: "Lynn Wigglesworth" <lynnw1366 AT>
  • To: <homestead AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] Homesteading as an Economic Basis
  • Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2008 16:04:51 -0500

Bob; sorry, but I can't rouse myself to care. Commodity farmers are part of 'the system'. They gambled with their livelihood, and they are losing. Their loss is my gain....local food should start looking really good. Commodity farmers get a bailout every's the only thing that keeps them in business (and why I can't bailout for me).

Lynn Wigglesworth

----- Original Message ----- From: "bob ford" <bobford79 AT>
To: <homestead AT>
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 3:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Homestead] Homesteading as an Economic Basis

Lynn I'm posting a few sentences from a highly followed commodities funds trader. Ignore the trade talk. Just pay attention to 'why" he is going to be loading up on more commodity ETFs. The 'why' is what could prove a very big deal next year, if he is correct. This guy is not a 'doomsday'
survivalist type; just a very successful trader who does his reasearch. Pay attention to what he says will happen to thew farmers. Guess who will be nedding a bail-out, next year.............


"I still hld in my longterm XXX and XXX,both under water but will add to them in February to both.However when the dollar falls both commodities will rise
before Febrry somewhat but the real rise comes after ,poor planting,no credit for fertilizers and seeds plus shortages of propane in the corn growing areas.Farmers ,who sold wheat in the futures for ten dollars a bushel,are still
waiting for settlements and probably won't see a dime, only the ashes of trading houses and hedge funds"

--- On Fri, 12/12/08, Lynn Wigglesworth <lynnw1366 AT> wrote:

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