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ch-scene - Re: Arcade Fire. I'm not insane.

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  • From: Ben Davis <ben_dontspamme_davis AT>
  • To: ch-scene AT
  • Subject: Re: Arcade Fire. I'm not insane.
  • Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2007 11:43:52 -0400

rawls rules!
if only the showchoir(and SAD) could incorporate the Paulus Flop into
their routine!

Rawls nospam wrote:
>>From: Baby Messy
>>I watched them on SNL the other week and thought..."this is it?...why
>>all the hype?" and I really thought I was missing something in my old
>>age. I mean, as soon as you heard Radiohead you KNEW, love it or hate
>>it, that there was something special there. So maybe I needed to dig
>>deeper, and through the magic of Youtube, etc. I tried. Lord I tried.
> In '04 I saw the Arcade Fire at the Cave, the Local 506, and a packed
> CMJ affiliated show in New York a few months later, right after seeing
> Springsteen play at the Meadowlands arena...and "On the Dark Side" along
> with most other Springsteen rip offs are fine by me. I get the hype. I'm
> not head over heels about it like some youngsters I've seen post things that
> basically claim nothing like this has ever been recorded...every band has
> obvious influences and over time it becomes fun to discover those
> influences.
> I've become a bit of a fan musically, but as people I liked them
> instantly. Not to toot my own horn, but I reviewed Funeral and claimed they
> would be large (songs with anthemic, catchy choruses usually catch on re:
> U2). It's in the Raleigh Hatchet archives somewhere. I know people who
> jumped on the bandwagon in early '05 because certain websites gave it the
> thumbs up...I can only hope some day someone who doubts her or his own
> opinions will read my review and say, "I'm not insane!" I'm counting on the
> Arcarde Fire review for this confirmation because my Van Halen reviews
> probably won't do it :( Dammit I love Van Halen and wish Roth would quit
> being such an idiot and Edward could get whatever it is going on with him
> together (and props to Hagar and Anthony for just showing up to the Hall of
> Fame induction and being classy)
> The Arcade Fire SNL performance was fine...if you liked Arcade Fire in
> the first place. I was sitting next to someone during their appearance on
> Conan O'Brien two years ago who wasn't a fan to begin with and that person
> was underwhelmed. Talk show appearances just aren't that divergent from
> the original recording anymore. I think Eddy Grant's crunchy guitar version
> of "Electric Avenue" was the only time an SNL performance really did a
> number on me, all other performances since on that show have been pretty
> much by the book. So they didn't rip up a picture of the Pope (which was
> kind of cool although Sinead's music didn't really do much for me).
> I thought "Creep" by Radiohead upon first hearing it in '93 was a lame
> attempt at jumping on the grunge rock bandwagon. Everything I've heard from
> them since has been very underwhelming, making me think at best, "Unwound
> achieved this a few years ago with way less financial backing." The singer
> seems to take himself way too seriously, but overall they seem like nice
> people with good taste...until now I'd never posted those thoughts on a
> bulletin site because I'm comfortable in knowing that sometimes my opionions
> don't always run parallel with others. Now I'm going to go back on youtube
> and search for more footage of Paulus flopping, not because I think I'm
> insane, I just think it's hilarious!
> Rawls
> -- ch-scene: the list that mirrors --

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