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ch-scene - Re: Arcade Fire. I'm not insane.

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  • From: Chris Rossi <nospam AT>
  • To: RTP-area local music and culture <ch-scene AT>
  • Subject: Re: Arcade Fire. I'm not insane.
  • Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2007 15:55:10 -0400

Either I need more sleep or that makes no sense.


James Hepler wrote:

I will take this opportunity to point out that I can
name two occasions in which UNC has beaten Duke AT
CAMERON on the night of a Dres show. Notice that I
don't say the dres has played on the night of a UNC
victory over Duke. UNC has twice had the privilege of
beating Duke on Dres Night.

That's fuckin' semantics, folks.

--- Ben Davis <ben_dontspamme_davis AT> wrote:

rawls rules!
if only the showchoir(and SAD) could incorporate the
Paulus Flop into their routine!

Rawls nospam wrote:

From: Baby Messy

I watched them on SNL the other week and

thought..."this is it?...why

all the hype?" and I really thought I was missing

something in my old

age. I mean, as soon as you heard Radiohead you

KNEW, love it or hate

it, that there was something special there. So

maybe I needed to dig

deeper, and through the magic of Youtube, etc. I

tried. Lord I tried.

In '04 I saw the Arcade Fire at the Cave, the

Local 506, and a packed

CMJ affiliated show in New York a few months

later, right after seeing

Springsteen play at the Meadowlands arena...and

"On the Dark Side" along

with most other Springsteen rip offs are fine by

me. I get the hype. I'm

not head over heels about it like some youngsters

I've seen post things that

basically claim nothing like this has ever been

recorded...every band has

obvious influences and over time it becomes fun to

discover those


I've become a bit of a fan musically, but as

people I liked them

instantly. Not to toot my own horn, but I

reviewed Funeral and claimed they

would be large (songs with anthemic, catchy

choruses usually catch on re:

U2). It's in the Raleigh Hatchet archives

somewhere. I know people who

jumped on the bandwagon in early '05 because

certain websites gave it the

thumbs up...I can only hope some day someone who

doubts her or his own

opinions will read my review and say, "I'm not

insane!" I'm counting on the

Arcarde Fire review for this confirmation because

my Van Halen reviews

probably won't do it :( Dammit I love Van Halen

and wish Roth would quit

being such an idiot and Edward could get whatever

it is going on with him

together (and props to Hagar and Anthony for just

showing up to the Hall of

Fame induction and being classy)

The Arcade Fire SNL performance was fine...if

you liked Arcade Fire in

the first place. I was sitting next to someone

during their appearance on

Conan O'Brien two years ago who wasn't a fan to

begin with and that person

was underwhelmed. Talk show appearances just

aren't that divergent from

the original recording anymore. I think Eddy

Grant's crunchy guitar version

of "Electric Avenue" was the only time an SNL

performance really did a

number on me, all other performances since on that

show have been pretty

much by the book. So they didn't rip up a picture

of the Pope (which was

kind of cool although Sinead's music didn't really

do much for me).

I thought "Creep" by Radiohead upon first

hearing it in '93 was a lame

attempt at jumping on the grunge rock bandwagon.
Everything I've heard from

them since has been very underwhelming, making me

think at best, "Unwound

achieved this a few years ago with way less

financial backing." The singer

seems to take himself way too seriously, but

overall they seem like nice

people with good taste...until now I'd never

posted those thoughts on a

bulletin site because I'm comfortable in knowing

that sometimes my opionions

don't always run parallel with others. Now I'm

going to go back on youtube

and search for more footage of Paulus flopping,

not because I think I'm

insane, I just think it's hilarious!

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