ch-scene AT
Subject: RTP-area local music and culture
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- From: "Mary Brunnemer" <marymarymb AT>
- To: "RTP-area local music and culture" <ch-scene AT>
- Subject: Re: late 80's / early 90's Rolling Stone article
- Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 00:12:47 -0400
I'm looking through my magazines that I kept and all I can find is articles
or small blurbs on individual bands in either Spin or Rolling Stone. So
either I accidentally trashed it or I made this Rolling Stone issue up in my
head (quite likely). But I did find an amusing copy of Seventeen magazine
from July 1993 with a big spread on the CH/Triangle music scene.
Unfortunately, it's not very informative if you're looking for any musical
facts or deep insights on the scene at the the time. It's mostly a 4 page
photo spread with very little text, but still entertaining if you were here
back in the day, with photos and tiny blurbs on Vanilla Trainwreck, Finger,
Superchunk, the Connells, What Peggy Wants, Flat Duo Jets, Queen Sarah
Saturday, Sex Police, Dish, Motorolla and Dillon Fence. Otherwise, all I can
find is some local paper articles. I guess I have more local paper archival
stuff than national press, but if you're interested, you can see that stuff.
I have more Archers stuff than anything else, and the only evidence I have
of Big Record Stardom is a cool poster, some fuzzy memories, and a local
Herald-Sun article.
On 7/20/06, grady <grady AT> wrote:
Most of the national coverage in that era was in autumn '92, a couple of
months after the Big Record Stardom Convention (that was when the
articles in Spin, Details & Alternative Press came out, at least). I
don't think I've ever seen the Rolling Stone one, so Mary, if you *do*
still have a copy (or of anything else local-music-related), I'd be most
interested in seeing a xerox or a scan, as I've just cleaned out *my*
packrat pile of old music mags, with an eye towards scanning & posting
the salient bits.
There *may* have been something in Rolling Stone earlier, but the 80s
attention, such as it was (there was *precious* little, beyond the odd
record review, in Spin throughout the 80s), would've probably been
mid-80s rather than late-80s, as that was sort of the valley between the
mid-80s and early-90s outside-attention-bursts.
>I think I just ran across this issue recently when I was cleaning out my
>packrat pile of old music mags. I think I kept the local music issues,
>but I'm not sure which ones. Let me check and see if I still have it and
>figure out if it's the same one you're looking for.
>askref AT wrote:
>I'm looking for a Rolling Stone article that was written in the late
>80's or early 90's about the Chapel Hill / Carrboro alternative music
>scene. Does anyone remember this article and if so know when it was
>published? Thanks!
>-- ch-scene: the list that mirrors --
-- ch-scene: the list that mirrors --
-- ch-scene: the list that mirrors --
Re: late 80's / early 90's Rolling Stone article,
Mary M. Brunnemer, 07/20/2006
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
Re: late 80's / early 90's Rolling Stone article,
grady, 07/20/2006
Re: late 80's / early 90's Rolling Stone article,
Mary Brunnemer, 07/21/2006
- Re: Re: late 80's / early 90's Rolling Stone article, country marxist, 07/21/2006
Re: late 80's / early 90's Rolling Stone article,
Lisa Bachelder, 07/21/2006
Re: late 80's / early 90's Rolling Stone article,
James Hepler, 07/21/2006
- Re: late 80's / early 90's Rolling Stone article, grady, 07/21/2006
Re: late 80's / early 90's Rolling Stone article,
Christiane Voisin, 07/21/2006
- Re: late 80's / early 90's Rolling Stone article, Mary M. Brunnemer, 07/21/2006
Re: late 80's / early 90's Rolling Stone article,
James Hepler, 07/21/2006
Re: late 80's / early 90's Rolling Stone article,
Nathaniel Florin, 07/21/2006
- Re: late 80's / early 90's Rolling Stone article, Duncan Murrell, 07/21/2006
Re: late 80's / early 90's Rolling Stone article,
grady, 07/21/2006
- Re: Re: late 80's / early 90's Rolling Stone article, country marxist, 07/21/2006
Re: late 80's / early 90's Rolling Stone article,
Mary Brunnemer, 07/21/2006
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