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b-hebrew - [b-hebrew] Re: The Exodus' mention in Egyptian Annals ?

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  • From: Joe Baker <joebaker AT>
  • To: b-hebrew AT
  • Subject: [b-hebrew] Re: The Exodus' mention in Egyptian Annals ?
  • Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 20:28:38 +0800

Hi all

Russell - The main thrust of my post was to argue that Manetho placed the "tale" of the expulsion of Osarsiph and his Asiatic allies in the reign of Setnakht and that an "official" account of this incident is told in an inscription of Setnakht. Maybe your idea of the anti-Seti background of Manetho's source is one way of explaining why the name Amenophis came to replace that of Setnakht.

I am not bound to my Or = Oros = Akhenaten suggestion. I have no objections if you wish to see him as Horus. Now I know that Manetho included Orus amongst his first pre-dynasty dynasty of gods (at least in Eusebius' version). But for me, Manetho's reference to a "predecessor" implies a more recent king - and not a more distant ancient god/demigod. It's just seems convenient that the only Oros that appears in Manetho's dynasty list from 1 to 19 holds the position where one would expect to see Akhenaten - and I would point out that Marianne once observed (but now does not hold to it) that Waenre, one of Akhenaten's most prominent name (places were named after it and his family used it to refer to him in their epithets) could have been pronounce like Ware. Also this Or wanted to do something that was regarded as religiously inappropriate - one aspect that every later Egyptian would see in Akhenaten. Rather difficult to see how, if this Or was one of Manetho's ancient god-kings, he would have a desire to see the gods when he and his parents and family were all gods.

Marianne - On your note that 1 Pharmouti = 27 March 30 BC. Well its right or rather "about right". I say "about right" because the rules of intercalation of leap years at this time (from Caesar's introduction until the final fixing reform of Augustus) were not adhered to. See articles by Chris Bennett about this mindfield. For this period you cannot simply equate the contemporary calendars and the "modern" Julian calendar.

Peter - Thanks for the correction on Rohl. I am well aware of his main work but I did not know that he had recently corrected his obvious error. My information about his timeline for dynasty 19 and 20 came from his (now defunct) web-site. While this web-site is no longer available directly the page can be retrieved using the archival internet "wayback machine". This page is archived at PerRenput/TimeLines/NCEgypt.html
Here you will see that originally he had Setnakht dying in 866 BC with Tausert acting as regent from 862 BC before becoming pharaoh and dying in 855 BC - an impossible 11 years after Setnakht.

Joe Baker ===========\
Perth |
Western Australia ===/

Sorry for moving so far off the track of b-hebrew. But I did start by making some comments on the Egyptian references to a possible exodus. Next time I will restrict any comments to the topic

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