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- From: "Pieter Lenaerts" <e-type AT>
- To: sm-discuss AT
- Subject: Re: [SM-Discuss] CMS talks (was Re: website)
- Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2006 17:49:05 +0200 (CEST)
jason, I don't mean to replace drupal.
as you know I'm one of the few who has worked in it so I know that it
works ;-)
when I ask for evaluation I want the community to point out problems.
one problem right now is that we have two cms'es: moin and drupal, and
that drupal has had no chance to get used well because people didn't want
to learn how to use it (however easy it is, I know)
I try explicitly to avoid any concluding statements here, I want people to
send in what they think.
Pieter Lenaerts
Source Mage GNU/Linux - "Linux so advanced it may well be magic"
On Fri, October 20, 2006 17:08, Jason Flatt wrote:
> I don't really want to perpetuate this thread any further than it already
> is,
> and I really don't want to single anyone out, so don't take this as a
> personal insult if you do feel singled out, but I would like to remind
> people
> that we came from a place where we had a straight HTML main page with
> links
> to GeekLog for news, phpBB for forums, WikiTikiTavi for a Wiki and
> Bugzilla
> for bug reporting. People complained at that time that there was no
> continuity between the software and that there were too many logins. The
> grass is always greener...
> Jeremy is correct on the need to get documentation going. Drupal can
> provide
> an excellent place for documentation. It just has to be used. People
> complained that it was too hard (I have no idea why) and we set up a Wiki
> so
> that people could enter documentation there. IMHO, having to learn
> various
> Wiki syntaxes (we're on our second one with people wanting to change to a
> third -- sheesh) to do documentation is not any easier than typing plain
> text
> into a box. No one has to do any formatting other than pressing Enter to
> add
> a carriage return or two. You don't even have to create hyperlinks, just
> put
> the URL in there, if you have some place or thing to reference.
> I will even go so far as to say that if someone has documentation to
> submit,
> but doesn't want to touch the Drupal Web site, then send the plain text to
> me
> and I will put it there. Also, though I would prefer the previous option,
> if
> you want to put it on the Wiki and then send me an e-mail, you may do
> that.
> Just don't put any Wiki formatting in the text, as that will require extra
> work for me, and, since my time is limited, I'm not likely to move it if I
> have to do that extra work.
> --
> Jason Flatt
> Source Mage GNU/Linux: Linux so advanced, it may as well be magic.
> _______________________________________________
> SM-Discuss mailing list
> SM-Discuss AT
Re: [SM-Discuss] website
, (continued)
Re: [SM-Discuss] website,
Jason Flatt, 10/19/2006
- Re: [SM-Discuss] website, Paul Beel, 10/19/2006
Re: [SM-Discuss] website,
Jeremy Blosser, 10/19/2006
- Re: [SM-Discuss] website, Jeremy Blosser, 10/19/2006
Re: [SM-Discuss] website,
Andraž "ruskie" Levstik, 10/19/2006
Re: [SM-Discuss] website,
Jeremy Blosser, 10/19/2006
- [SM-Discuss] CMS talks (was Re: website), Pieter Lenaerts, 10/20/2006
- Re: [SM-Discuss] CMS talks (was Re: website), Mathieu L., 10/20/2006
- Re: [SM-Discuss] CMS talks (was Re: website), Paul Beel, 10/20/2006
- Re: [SM-Discuss] CMS talks (was Re: website), Jason Flatt, 10/20/2006
- Re: [SM-Discuss] CMS talks (was Re: website), Pieter Lenaerts, 10/20/2006
- Re: [SM-Discuss] CMS talks (was Re: website), Jeremy Blosser, 10/20/2006
- Re: [SM-Discuss] CMS talks (was Re: website), Pieter Lenaerts, 10/20/2006
- Re: [SM-Discuss] CMS talks (was Re: website), Jeremy Blosser, 10/20/2006
- Re: [SM-Discuss] CMS talks (was Re: website), Mathieu L., 10/20/2006
- Re: [SM-Discuss] CMS talks (was Re: website), David Kowis, 10/20/2006
- Re: [SM-Discuss] CMS talks (was Re: website), Jeremy Blosser, 10/20/2006
- Re: [SM-Discuss] CMS talks (was Re: website), Andrew Stitt, 10/20/2006
- Re: [SM-Discuss] CMS talks (was Re: website), Jeremy Blosser, 10/20/2006
- Re: [SM-Discuss] CMS talks (was Re: website), seth, 10/21/2006
Re: [SM-Discuss] website,
Jeremy Blosser, 10/19/2006
- Re: [SM-Discuss] website, Robert Figura, 10/19/2006
Re: [SM-Discuss] website,
Jason Flatt, 10/19/2006
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