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sm-discuss - Re: [SM-Discuss] sorcery menu changes

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  • From: Seth Alan Woolley <seth AT>
  • To: sm-discuss AT
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Discuss] sorcery menu changes
  • Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 18:33:16 -0800

Just a few cents/ideas:

1) a way to do everything in the menu via the command line is REALLY

2) sub-commands are fine with me. Maybe moving cast --queue into the
sorcery command itself would make more sense, so all the queue stuff is
all in one place.

3) removal queue is ok to have, since the gui used it to select from stuff to
remove and dispelled from it during execute when it was first around (not
sure if it's around anymore)

4) sounds ... I see no use for it but I'm sure others do, I'd rather see
a separate spell with sorcery just calling some stub functions installed
by default. I might like to have sorcery send me a "write seth spell
... done" via a configurable interface, sorta like how netconf lets you
trigger things on_up on_down, etc.

5) the curses menu should run cli commands to do its work. The gui
stuff should not be in the business of doing stuff, only interfacing to
the cli doing stuff.

6) perhaps rename the dialog sorcery menu to dsorcery, so xsorcery
(xdialog), dsorcery, tksorcery, ksorcery, gsorcery, etc, are all
front-ends to the cli.


On Mon, Jan 02, 2006 at 12:48:04PM -0800, Andrew wrote:

Seth Alan Woolley [seth at], SPAM/UCE is unauthorized
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