Subject: pcplantdb
List archive
- From: "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <lfl@intrex.net>
- To: pcplantdb@lists.ibiblio.org
- Subject: Re: [pcplantdb] synthesis[20][9.8.04]
- Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 22:37:22 -0700
Stephanie Gerson wrote:
hi everyone,
Quite a discussion about listservs. A few points/questions:
à Fine with me if the pcplantdb list is not open.
à Although it is not open, as Lawrence asked, would we like the
archives to
be public?
Once more into the breech ...........
I. Do we want the pcplantdb message archive open to the public - I would
assume not and would prefer not myself
So, until I hear otherwise they will stay private.
II. permaculture.info was mistakenly announced, though very briefly and with
almost no background info
III. PIW, Permaculture Information Web, has not been announced.
a) it will need it's own mailing list, piw@ seems appropriate and the
following is the purpose it should serve:
"People wanting to involve themselves with the informational content
and general design aspects of the project
should consider subscribing to the piw list instead,
I would add to this "to read news about PIW to stay current with development
efforts and find out about ways to contribute
to the project"
I need to have a piw list created to be the main public PIW discussion forum,
with public archives
IV. The two PIW mailing lists will be: pcplantdb and piw, both ibiblio
Mailman lists
V. If you don't want a piw list created, let me know. Otherwise I will have
it formed and let you know that it
has been configured and is ready for use. You can take it from there and
announce it wherever along with/or without
an announcement of PIW and http://permaculture.info as you prefer.
permaculture, permacultureinfo, openpermaculture and pc-knowledgebase are my
lists which I will use and develop
over the years. They relate to work I will be continuing on the Web and will
be linked to my own websites and wikis.
These resources should prove valuable to PIW as it evolves. I already have a
pretty good network of pc and natural
farming people and my lists are open for use by all of them. They each serve
different purposes; I've already posted
about that.
So to answer your question below again:
We could post this on the permaculture.info website (this IS the website for
– is it not?
This is Chad's creation and as far as I know is the official PIW
website/project site.
> Or is Lawrence going to tell me that it is a website for
“permaculture information management” now?
p.s. hi Lawrence, I swear I am not trying to pick on you, but the number of
websites and listservs is just getting way out of hand. IMO hg needs 2
Most of those are my own projects. The permaculture list has finally come
into its own
and is a great resource, enjoyed by all subscribers. This trend needs to
Spinoff lists are there to help build a more robust pc network through
spawning more websites,
helping people build those websites and make it possible to collaborate on
permaculture knowledgebases.
Also those lists are there to help promote PIW and direct people to its database for further collaboration through contributions of resources. On eo fth thing I am working on now is getting Cuban farmers and permaculturists on the main pc list.
I have a few leads, a person from the Peace Corps and a professor at UNC who
works with medical personnel in Cuba
who may help bring Cubans to the list and ultimately to PIW to contribute.
listservs and one website. C’est tout.
You got it., 2 lists (one new one coming up) and 1 website.
C'est si bon.
------ Original Message ------
Received: 12:43 PM PDT, 09/15/2004
From: "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <lfl@intrex.net>
To: pcplantdb@lists.ibiblio.org
Subject: Re: [pcplantdb] synthesis[20][9.8.04]
Richard Morris wrote:
I think I'd tend to agree here(i.e. pcplantdb close to new subscribers). At the moment we have quite a tight group and seem to be getting on with things quite well. Allowing new people in at this stage probably means we have to go through the whole vision thing again, disruptive! The other lists can be more open access.
So, on this list' homepage I have added:
"People wanting to involve themselves with the technical
and logistical aspects of this project are encouraged to subscribe to this
few-member yet
high-traffic list. Anyone wishing to join should send email to lfl@intrex.net
letting us know
who you are, location, area(s) of expertise and reason for being interested in
joining the forum. "
If you wish I can delete this though if anyone wants to go to all the trouble
to send email
about joining maybe their request should be reviewed in this list. I expect
these will be few and far between
so should not add negatively to the S/N ratio here.
One though is that we could have a formal feature requests page on permaculture.info, that way we could still encourage new input and ideas. (is this a bug issue?)
That's a great idea. Maybe have another area for programmers interested in
Re: [pcplantdb] synthesis[20][9.8.04]
, (continued)
- Re: [pcplantdb] synthesis[20][9.8.04], Lee Flier, 09/14/2004
- Re: [pcplantdb] synthesis[20][9.8.04], Chad Knepp, 09/14/2004
- Re: [pcplantdb] synthesis[20][9.8.04], Scott Pittman, 09/14/2004
- Re: [pcplantdb] synthesis[20][9.8.04], John Schinnerer, 09/16/2004
- Re: [pcplantdb] synthesis[20][9.8.04], Lawrence F. London, Jr., 09/15/2004
- [pcplantdb] Feature requests, John Schinnerer, 09/16/2004
Re: [pcplantdb] synthesis[20][9.8.04],
Lawrence F. London, Jr., 09/15/2004
- Re: [pcplantdb] synthesis[20][9.8.04], Lawrence F. London, Jr., 09/16/2004
- Re: [pcplantdb] synthesis[20][9.8.04], Chad Knepp, 09/16/2004
- Re: [pcplantdb] synthesis[20][9.8.04], Lawrence F. London, Jr., 09/16/2004
- Re: [pcplantdb] synthesis[20][9.8.04], Lawrence F. London, Jr., 09/16/2004
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