market-farming AT
Subject: Market Farming
List archive
- From: "Kevin Ancell" <kancell AT>
- To: "market farming" <market-farming AT>
- Subject: Re: Value Added
- Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2001 12:21:50 -0600
>Kevin, several questions for you: What does IQF mean?
Individually Quick Frozen. Basically you spread the berries (or what ever
you have) out on a sheet pan and freeze them. Then you can bag them up. They
won't stick together or mush if you do this extra little step.
>Would a vacuum sealer extend the shelf life of strawberries too?
Yes, it would! We don't usually freeze and bag them as we sell out of
>Where can I find more information about the uses of a vacuum sealer?
We bought all of our equipment at auction these people are very good.
The one we use is
>What kind of dehydrator do you use?
>Is there one source for help with labelling?
Yes your local extension office should help.
>Do you use commercial canning equipment as opposed to a pressure canner and
>Is there one good source for information about canning procedures? <---- This web site used to be very good. It is
not up today for one reason or another.
>I notice you have LLC after your farm name.
Yes, we choose a Limited Liability Company and operate it as a partnership.
We chose that to sheild ourselves from product liability (eventhough we have
LOTS of insurance) or on farm accidents. It also sets up what several
money/tax saving things. For instance:
If you own your farm you can lease it to your company. Then you can have the
"company" require you to live on the property. This being done allows you to
deduct all resonable living expenses associated with living! Sad but true, I
call it farm welfare.
>We have an appointment with an attorney this week to talk about doing that
>instead of being a sole proprietorship.
>Would you care to comment on that subject?
Yes, I don't know if you need to hire an attorney. We used a really
knowlegdable CPA to help us set our operation up. Attorneys unless they
practice tax law aren't going to give you the info you need to know. Using a
CPA in my opinion would be wiser use of your precious money.
Value added,
Hook Family, 01/08/2001
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Value added, Robert Farr, 01/08/2001
- Re: Value added, William Barry, 01/08/2001
- Re: Value added, S & S Aqua Farm, 01/08/2001
- Re: Value added, Robert Farr, 01/08/2001
- Re: Value added, William Barry, 01/08/2001
- Re: Value added, Hook Family, 01/08/2001
- Re: Value added, Kevin Ancell, 01/08/2001
- Value Added, Marie Kamphefner, 01/08/2001
- Re: Value Added, Kevin Ancell, 01/08/2001
- Re: Value added, Del Williams, 01/09/2001
- Re: Value Added, Del Williams, 01/09/2001
- Re: Value added, Bill Shoemaker, 01/09/2001
- Re: Value Added, Hook Family, 01/09/2001
- Re: Value Added, Hook Family, 01/09/2001
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