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market-farming - Re: poultry question

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Subject: Market Farming

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  • From: "Dori Green" <dorigreen00 AT>
  • To: market-farming AT
  • Subject: Re: poultry question
  • Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 11:47:32 EST

I've had roosters get aggressive here, mostly just because I had too many roosters at a time. They went to the auction or the butcher depending on my mood of the moment. A comfortable maximum for the barnyard seems to be six.

After my first experiences with chickens I made it a special point to handle and make pets of my roosters, and to make sure that they and the gander know the rules of the place. Any of my roosters can be picked up and petted, even by a stranger. I have to make sure the gander is behind a good fence before visitors arrive but the roosters are all well-behaved with people.

I should mention that I have Ameracaunas and Barred Rocks and some Rock/Jersey Giant crosses.

The roosters and gander have been doing a good job of keeping the neighbor's killer free-running dog away from my barn. My LGD started Sammy's training and Mr. McNasty recently reinforced to her that this place is OFF limits. So far there have been no incidents, but because she is still running loose I do not plan to trim anybody's defenses.

Dori Green
Ash Grove Community Farm
Corning, NY

Intentional Community with local and long-distance members
Chemical-free fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers
Dairy and pack and draft goats
Free-range chickens, ducks, and geese
Affordable housing cooperative
Regional farmer's marketing cooperative
Dried herbs and American-grown Black Tea by mail-order

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