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homestead - Re: [Homestead] Birthers

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  • From: EarthNSky <erthnsky AT>
  • To: homestead AT
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] Birthers
  • Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2009 00:40:40 -0400

There is one other interesting note to all of this birth certificate hoopla.
Vital records, in every state, not only records and holds birth
certificates, but every county within a state also has what is called a
birth index. The birth index is somewhat of a tally to make sure no
baby falls through the cracks and that all children born are recorded
and get birth certificates, etc. The index is simply a checklist that
each county has, organized by date, and lists the name of the child and
what hospital, or home, or whatever. It would look something like this..

August 4, 1961

1. Jane W. Doe Honolulu General
2. John R. Doe Kailua General
3. James Wilson Doe home address

It very often contains gaps, like perhaps a name is missing,,,,could say
Girl Doe or whatever. It doesn't have times or details of birth, it
is simply a count that is done on the fly, often so early that
information just isn't available.

When I worked in adoption circles, helping adoptees find their birth
families, I very often looked at birth indexes, which are ALWAYS public
records and not sealed. Even adoptees will be listed as 'Girl' or Boy,
without a last name usually, but sometimes they slip up and put the
mother's last name, which is why anyone searching should always check
the index, because when they are filled out, it is possible that it was
done before the mother relinquished her child.
Anyway, I have to say that I have checked maybe 100 different indices in
maybe 15 different states, and I have only one time seen a case where
someone was born on one day and listed on the index on a different day.
In that case, he was born on like the 12th late at night, and was
actually recorded on the index as being born on the 13th.

I haven't seen it, but it is my understanding that the index for the
county where Obama lived and was allegedly born recorded his birth on
August 8, four days after his actual birth. That is highly, highly
unusual. I've never seen anything like it. August 4th was a Friday,
but the birth was recorded the following Tuesday?!?!? Why would that be?

The birth index is public record and open in every state. Genealogists
use them all the time. Hawaii however, for some unknown reason<g>,
sealed their birth indices last year, and no one has access anymore. I
wonder if perhaps the LDS church has copies of it somewhere. At any
rate, Hawaiian genealogy took a blow on that one. Like I say, I've
haven't seen the index, or a copy, but I remember reading a while back
that his birth was recorded on the 8th, which I believe is the same day
that the birth announcement appeared in the paper.

Of course the 2007 birth certificate Obama shows the world is real. Of
course Hawaii would verify it as authentic. They gave it to him.
HOWEVER, it doesn't tell the whole story. His mother could have simply
sworn he was born 4 days prior at home and he would legally have a
certification of birth, but the truth of the matter could have been that
he was born elsewhere. We may never know. Don't kid yourself
though... Obama is a powerful man with powerful friends in high places.
It is not easy to shut down the birth index of an entire state. If any
part of this is true, this is the mother of all conspiracies, even
bigger than who shot JFK. The question begs, WHY. Why was it so
important for Obama to become president? Who is really pulling the
strings here? AND if this is true, what other lies have we been fed?

One other thing, Lynn...while all the information from birth
certificates have been placed into a database, there is no way that the
paper copy would have been intentionally destroyed. It is probably
filed away in some warehouse somewhere, forgotten, but not destroyed.
Machs nicht because like I said, Mama could have sworn he was born here
even if he wasn't, and while that act would have been illegal, I think I
would have done the same if my child were accidentally or unexpectedly
born overseas while I was away. I'd get back ASAP, and register the kid
like a home birth or something.


Lynn Wigglesworth wrote:
State officials say that the original records are all sealed, not
just Obama's, and that his isn't being treated any differently. I
guess it depends on whether you believe state officials (including
the Republican govenor) or Birthers.

When the state issues a 'copy', it's an electronic copy, not a
photocopy of the original. The information from the original has all
been put in a database.

"Never expect magic from no where" Baringo (Kenyan) working motto
EarthNSky Farm, NW Georgia, USA

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