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homestead - Re: [Homestead] deer hunting

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  • From: "Lisa K.V. Perry" <lisakvperry AT>
  • To: homestead AT
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] deer hunting
  • Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 08:34:17 -0500

On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 12:17 AM, Lynda <lurine AT> wrote:

> Do they blow up under normal use? RARELY! Stanley's the only one I've
> ever
> heard of and I never had a case come in all the years I worked in
> hospitals.
> Do they blow if you screw up? You betcha!
> Man alive people (the collective 'people'), you guys could scare a person
from trying something sometimes. ;)

Last Friday was the first time that I had pressure canned anything. Period.
I did it with a friend though who had pressure canned venison for several
years. I could have done it by myself since it was nearly the same as
regular canning, but we both had venison and wanted to get together anyway.
Each batch took well over an hour from start to finish and I wasn't worried
the entire time.

It is almost a comforting sound to me, perhaps because when I was young my
Mom used to make green beans, potatoes and a ham hock for dinner in a small
pressure cooker.

I'm enjoying looking at the canned jars in my pantry and thinking about what
each jar will turn into. Looking forward to the stroganoff.



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