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homestead - Re: [Homestead] Ralph Nader enters presidential race

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  • From: "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <lflj AT>
  • To: homestead AT
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] Ralph Nader enters presidential race
  • Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2008 23:47:29 -0500

WF Smith wrote:

Proud of suckerheads in South Carolina? At least McCain will
leave the flag flying on the capitol grounds
in recognition of the evil of the war of northern aggression.
Like it or not...

I have to admit I'm intrigued by this statement. For some reason you are
referring to the Confederate Battle Flag that flies on the SC State Capitol

Are you somehow under the misguided perception that said flag is a Federal
issue? As a South Carolina resident I don't care one whit what Obama or
Hillary or McCain think of it.

Of course it is not a federal issue but folks like Biden made it a campaign issue saying that it "should be taken elsewhere". I just thought that was rather disingenuous. I thought I heard McCain say that it _was not_ a federal issue and would not bring it up, i.e. leave it to South Carolinians to decide. I think it would be a nice gesture to the
decent, nonracist, traditional people in the south with roots in the Confederacy to leave it flying, in defiance of the ultra radical extremist politically correct left leaning liberal loonz who would insist that the Rebel flag is a symbol of slavery, which in one obvious sense it is and in another is completely not. Honor history and leave it flying as a reminder of the fact that slavery actually heppened in the USA and in honor of the people who took pride in their homeland and not in the disgrace that was the slavery that happened there. The northern states can share equal blame with the southern states for the slavery era. It was absolutely unbelievable that it was ever allowed to happen as the same is true of the abuse of the Irish during the potato famine, and the invasion of Tibet by the Chinese, Pol Pot's regime, Nazi Germany, genocide in Russia, the Spanish Civil War, the war in Central and South America in the latter half ot the last century and on and on.

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