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freetds - Re: Shared libs on Mac OS X Server 10.2

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  • From: "Lowden, James K" <LowdenJK AT>
  • To: "'TDS Development Group'" <freetds AT>
  • Subject: Re: Shared libs on Mac OS X Server 10.2
  • Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2002 11:58:34 -0400

> From: Steve Langasek [mailto:vorlon AT]
> Sent: October 15, 2002 11:22 AM
> On Tue, Oct 15, 2002 at 10:40:07AM -0400, Mark J. Lilback wrote:
> > If someone familiar with autoconf/config/make etc. could modify the
> > process so these commands happen automatically on Mac OS X,
> I'm sure
> > many users would greatly appreciate it.
> Isn't this an issue with the version of libtool that was used
> in creating
> the official release tarball? I know the version of
> libtoolize used was
> older than what I have on my system. If you rerun 'libtoolize --force
> --copy' on a MacOS X system (and possibly run aclocal && automake &&
> autoconf as well), do the shared libs get built automatically?


It probably is. I will look into it tonight. The tarballer is not running
the latest and greatest of everything because I wasn't aware of the
ramifications. You know, "Experience is what you get when you don't get
anything else" (including dynalib support, it seems).


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