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ch-scene - Re: Message to Ralph Nader

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  • From: toc_mahoy AT (Perv, the Nerve Prattmeyer ©)
  • To: ch-scene AT
  • Subject: Re: Message to Ralph Nader
  • Date: 15 Apr 2004 15:21:06 -0700

grady AT wrote in message news:<407E9D9E.4090403 AT>...
> Perv, the Nerve Prattmeyer &copy; wrote:
> > grady AT wrote in message news:<407B06F2.5090507 AT>...
> >
> >>Yes, that has certainly helped keep Israel on the moderate-to-leftward
> >>path that it's on.
> >
> > It's moderate to bulldoze and steal the land of poor peasants for no
> > reason except they may have one family member who may have commited a
> > crime?????
> > To arrest people and imprison them without a trial??
> Not really equipped to recognize sarcasm, even when it's fairly apparent
> contextually? Life in the postmodern era must be difficult for you.

Equip? Certainly I am but....Post-modernism is over. Or haven't you
heard? We're now well into' post 9/11. Nothing ironic about GWB.
I'm serious.

> >>military is neither equipped nor eager to deal with several million
> >>18-year-old fuckups, either in peacetime or in wartime. Army of One,
> >>remember? The days of handing teenagers M16s and throwing them into
> >>foxholes are pretty much over. You gotta be able to drive a humvee while
> >>packet-radio-networking a laptop and navigating via GPS in a blinding
> >>sandstorm.
> >
> > You must be kidding?? Maybe you outa check out who's joining and why.
> > If you are sayng it's an army of well motivated geeks, when are you
> > joining up??
> > The military is still a good choice over boring bad paying jobs for
> > poor HS students, and people, who's daddy can't afford Vanderbilt U's
> > or even Carolina's price.
> > No it's still poor and lower middle class people fighting and dying.
> Are you suggesting that poor people aren't capable of driving, fucking
> with a laptop, navigating via GPS, and shooting a gun at the same time?
> I made no statements about the educational background or income level
> of today's soldiers. I said the military isn't equipped (remember all
> those base closings in the 80s/90s?) nor eager (they've gone on record
> repeatedly as saying they prefer to pick-and-choose rather than take any
> pile of meat that comes along) to deal with the several million
> 18-year-olds that compulsory service would bring them.

That waht they say but have any of you comrades joined up in the last
10 years or so...? Not likely you know the poor guys who have few
choices. Nothing I indicated would suggest I doubt their

> They're not babysitters. They kinda used to be, back in the day when the
> army was the last choice before jail being handed down by "kindly"
> judges to juvies. But nowadays they spend an assload of money training
> people and they have an assload of complicated equipment in the field.
> They want the smartest people they can find. I'm not saying they're

well that's why I ask about your buddies in the army?? We do know whos
smart and whos not? Hey grady, believe it or not class still defines
where people are economically speaking.. even in today's totally free
and fun economical climate.

> out-recruiting the universities or corporate america. I'm just saying
> they've gotten a lot pickier since 1975.

Still the guys in the oposed to the geeks on submarines
...are still mostly average dudes just trying to stay above the fray
and I doubt they have all that stuff buzzing in the manner you
discribe. I mean they still have to know how to shot don't they? and
keep their heads screwed on tight just to survive?
..from what I read it was mostly heavy armor, smart bombs and the
unwillingness of the iraqi army to put up a fight..not all the toys
which resulted in where we are now...up a bear ass.

> I'm also not saying there won't be a draft; I was debating Bendy's
> suggestion that Universal Service would be the answer to a host of our
> nation's ills. I wouldn't be at all surprised if there were a draft
> (it's almost an inevitability if Bush gets re-elected and fucking
> invades North Korea), but I'd also be willing to bet that the criteria
> for rejection would be a good bit different than they were the last time
> we had one. They really don't want just any old body anymore.

I think they'll take any old body now. They are in deep shit after
depending on the national reserves as they have.
And if there was a draft I agree with bendy...things would be a lot

> -- ch-scene: the list that mirrors --

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