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sm-sorcery - [SM-Sorcery] Sorcery quality assurance

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Subject: Discussion of Sorcery related topics

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  • From: Eric Sandall <eric AT>
  • To: sm-sorcery AT
  • Subject: [SM-Sorcery] Sorcery quality assurance
  • Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 18:27:15 -0800

Due to some of the problems with stable Sorcery lately, I would like to
that the Sorcery Team implement some type of verification process for
a stable version. Below I will provide my suggested template, but this is just
to get the ball rolling, no need to follow it exactly (and I'm being pedantic,
so don't take offense at the verbosity). ;)

1. Fix one bug on your local copy of Sorcery devel
2. Test that one bug to the full extent that the report specifies
3. Submit your fix for that bug to Sorcery devel
4. Integrate that fix /only/ to Sorcery stable
5. Repeat #2 as well as testing anything which is related to the bug
6. Submit the fix to Sorcery stable
7. Release a new version of Sorcery stable if the fix is major enough (such as
it breaks machines, Sorcery is not usable, etc., but things such as "xterm
title doesn't change" are okay to leave for a bit, though they shouldn't be
there in the first place ;)).
8. Announce new version
9. Repeat 1-9

This is just a general layout, but I would like to emphasise that /testing/ is
important. Also, only the tested fixes should be brought into a bugfix release
of Sorcery (e.g. 1.7.1 -> 1.7.2) and not the whole devel Sorcery (though I
believe it was all fixes anyways).

I'm not sure what's been going on lately, but most people are not happy when
software labeled "stable" comes fairly broken (especially something as
essential as the package management).

We do have a "test" module for Sorcery, perhaps we should use that to release
"testing" Sorcery (no relation to test grimoire) as an interim release?

Thoughts? Comments?


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Eric Sandall | Source Mage GNU/Linux Developer
eric AT | | SysAdmin @ Inst. Shock Physics @ WSU #196285 |

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