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sm-sorcery - Re: [SM-Sorcery] Sorcery quality assurance

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  • From: Ondra Tomecka <otom7630 AT>
  • To: SourceMage Sorcery List <sm-sorcery AT>
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Sorcery] Sorcery quality assurance
  • Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 15:41:05 +0100 (CET)

On Wed, 28 Jan 2004, Jason Flatt wrote:

> On Wednesday 28 January 2004 12:43 am, Eric Sandall wrote:
> > > Also we seem to have this situation where we mark bugs as 'fixed' and
> > > then they sit around waiting to be verified and closed. Maybe we ought
> > > to
> > > specify the protocol a little better. Where I work the reporter is the
> > > one to mark the bug as closed when they decide that the bug is actually
> > > fixed to their satisfaction, otherwise they reopen it.
> >
> > I thought that was SOP anyways, but I guess we don't have it documented
> > explicitly. Do we have a "HOWTO write bugs"?
> Initially, I was confused about the bug opening and closing process (it's
> possible I may still be confused about it). It's entirely likely that
> others
> are confused about it as well, and having an official HOWTO or FAQ would be
> a
> good thing to help clear up the confusion.

Jason you said it perfectly. I would like to help with sorcery testing,
but I just don't have time to learn arcane knowledge necessary to handle
this process efficiently. I was quite happy just to fill the bug report

If some of you sorcery guys could write some HOWTO for setting testing bed
for sorcery, I guess more people would be able to help testing fixes. I know
about at least one (me;-) )


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