Subject: permaculture
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- From: Cory Brennan <>
- To: permaculture <>
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] How to expand permaculture
- Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2012 09:34:31 -0700 (PDT)
I would add to your list, Bob:
1. One on one enlightenment, bugging people til they try it (i've gotten too
many people into permaculture this way, lol)
2. briefings to policy makers
3. Real, fully sustainable, permaculture demonstration sites (so necessary
for the educational/enlightenment process, and so often barriers to getting a
full design actually implemented)
4. permaculture taught in universities and schools
5. permaculture in mainstream media
A national association could assist with bringing permaculture to the next
level of recognition which might make it easier for all of us who want to, to
get it out there. This could be done, for one thing, by documenting and
sharing successful actions at local and regional levels.
I personally would find this incredibly useful and would put the information
to use in my area. It's great that regional areas are doing well, but those
of us in pioneer territories could use some help from ya'll, some successful
action write ups maybe, or interviews, so we don't have to reinvent the
The more viable we can make it to have people doing permaculture design or
education full time, the faster it will get out there. Those with more
experience will be in higher demand, not in competition with new
permaculturists, and may even be able to help new guys get started into
business or whatever as a part of their livelihood and be well paid for it.
I can see many ways that we could help each other more than we do, with the
result being more abundance, business, and most importantly, permaculture
influence, for all of us.
Koreen Brennan
From: mIEKAL aND <>
To: permaculture <>
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2012 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: [permaculture] How to expand permaculture
I've been working to get permaculture installed on our campus at
Organic Valley and I think a real opportunity that often gets
overlooked is to approach the commercial sector and make a case for
alternatives to traditional high imput one dimensional corporate
On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 8:45 AM, Bob Waldrop <> wrote:
> We haven't had any other nibbles on this tangent of the recent thread on
> a national gathering. But maybe if we spin this off on its own thread
> we'll get some takers.
> So first we have to start with thoughtful observation. Maybe make a
> list to begin with? By "expand permaculture" I think we mean
> "permaculture missionary work," spreading the word, encouraging others
> to learn and practice permaculture design, etc. If we mean something
> else, then we should get that definition worked up early too.
> Methods presently in use to encourage the spread of the knowledge and
> use of permaculture design.
> (1) PDCs
> (2) Short workshops (day, weekend)
> (3) Websites
> (4) Permaculture Activist magazine (are there other permaculture print
> publications in the US?)
> (5) Permaculture books in libraries, bookstores, and available online
> (both to buy and to read)
> (6) Permaculture listserv discussions like this one (it would be fun to
> compile a complete list)
> (7) Permaculture social media (FB, Google+, Linked-in, Klout)
> (8) Permaculture posters, flyers, small flyers and pamphlets, and other
> ephemera
> (9) Permaculture volunteer efforts (such as what you are doing in Native
> American areas and others are doing in inner-city neighborhoods)
> (10) Permaculture websites
> What else is going on out there?
> Bob Waldrop, OKC
> On 7/16/2012 9:53 PM, Cory Brennan wrote:
>> Good point Bob, let's do it! I'm game. It certainly is something that
>> needs to be accomplished...
>> ________________________________
>> From: Bob Waldrop <>
>> To:
>> Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 5:05 PM
>> Subject: Re: [permaculture] Fwd: Nth American Conf
>> Why would we need to travel to do this? If this is what we want to
>> achieve, why couldn't we do this, well, right here and right now for
>> example?
>> It could be an exercise in cooperative permaculture design --
>> observation, evaluation, design work, implementation.
>> I've always thought that some kind of a large project, operated in
>> cyberspace, involving permaculture people from "all over the map" would
>> not only be fun, we would all learn a lot from it and it might even do
>> some good.
>> Bob Waldrop, OKC
>> On 7/16/2012 3:23 PM, Cory Brennan wrote:
>>> I would say it would be worth the travel miles if we actually walk away
>>> with a plan to expand permaculture in multiple areas much more quickly
>>> than it is happening and actually execute it. Then it would be worth it.
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: Bob Waldrop <>
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 10:57 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [permaculture] Fwd: Nth American Conf
>>> Why do we think that this event would be worth the damage the travel and
>>> etc associated with it would cause the earth's ecologies? Haven't we
>>> done enough harm to all with our sense of entitlement to all the travel
>>> we can manage to pay for with dollars? Especially those of us who are
>>> privileged First World people?
>>> The Union of Concerned Scientists recently released a book on global
>>> warming and transportation/travel is one of the three major contributors
>>> to the emissions driving climate change. They say one imperative of the
>>> future is that we need to drive less and travel less. If we do travel,
>>> the kindest-to-the-earth method of travel is to take the bus.
>>> So in the spirit of harm reduction, at minimum if this event occurs it
>>> should be in a city easily accessible by bus travel, and travel by air
>>> and automobile should be actively discouraged by the organizers. If it
>>> becomes a regular thing, it should not be an annual event, but instead
>>> should be at most once every four years.
>>> Bob Waldrop, OKC
>>> -- Hacking
>>> permaculture in 350 words
>>> On 7/16/2012 6:41 AM, venaurafarm wrote:
>>>> Steve Hart
>>>> Ecology Architect
>>>> skype: stevenlawrencehart
>>>> Nth American Permaculture Conference ?
>>>> Hey guys...not so long ago there was discussion on a likely Conference
>>>> for all Nth America...whats happened to that energy ? has anyone picked
>>>> up the challenge?, taken an initiative and moved it forward ? Skeeta,
>>>> are you still in there ? I reckon its time to take the bull by the horns
>>>> and jump in the deep end.
>>>> At the International Conference in Jordan, IPC10, Scott Pitman and I
>>>> discussed future international structures in a workshop. There has been
>>>> waned discussion since but with Cuba's IPC11 just around the corner the
>>>> agenda will gain more development. One thread is to realise the
>>>> continental regions of the world. Then to consider each region having
>>>> conferences. Europe is already well advanced on this with their 12th
>>>> Conference happening in Kassel this year 1-5th August. Central America
>>>> has had a few. No other region to my knowledge has gone there yet.
>>>> Something worthy of development eh what ?
>>>> Steve Hart
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Subject: [permaculture] They need to be inspired by permaculture |
Uninformed Generation X are unconcerned about climate change
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They need to be inspired by permaculture and get involved, then their
whole outlook will be transformed.
Uninformed Generation X are unconcerned about climate change
From: ClickGreen Staff, ClickGreen, More from this Affiliate
Published July 19, 2012 08:50 AM
Uninformed Generation X are unconcerned about climate change
As the United States suffers a summer of record-shattering heat and the
UK experiences record summer rainfall, a University of Michigan report
finds that Generation X is lukewarm about climate change - uninformed
about the causes and unconcerned about the potential dangers.
"Most Generation Xers are surprisingly disengaged, dismissive or
doubtful about whether global climate change is happening and they don't
spend much time worrying about it," said Jon D. Miller, author of "The
Generation X Report."
The new report, the fourth in a continuing series, compares Gen X
attitudes about climate change in 2009 and 2011, and describes the
levels of concern Gen Xers have about different aspects of climate
change, as well as their sources of information on the subject.
"We found a small but statistically significant decline between 2009 and
2011 in the level of attention and concern Generation X adults expressed
about climate change," Miller said. "In 2009, about 22 percent said they
followed the issue of climate change very or moderately closely. In
2011, only 16 percent said they did so."
Miller directs the Longitudinal Study of American Youth at the U-M
Institute for Social Research. The study, funded by the National Science
Foundation since 1986, now includes responses from approximately 4,000
Gen Xersâthose born between 1961 and 1981, and now between 32 and 52
years of age.
Only about 5 percent of those surveyed in 2011 were alarmed about
climate change, and another 18 percent said they were concerned about
it. But 66 percent said they aren't sure that global warming is
happening, and about 10 percent said they don't believe global warming
is actually happening.
Article continues at ENN affiliate, Click Green
Re: [permaculture] Fwd: Nth American Conf
, (continued)
Re: [permaculture] Fwd: Nth American Conf,
Bob Waldrop, 07/16/2012
Re: [permaculture] Fwd: Nth American Conf,
Cory Brennan, 07/16/2012
Re: [permaculture] Fwd: Nth American Conf,
Bob Waldrop, 07/16/2012
Re: [permaculture] Fwd: Nth American Conf,
Cory Brennan, 07/16/2012
Re: [permaculture] Fwd: Nth American Conf- meet in the middle?,
loren luyendyk, 07/17/2012
Re: [permaculture] Fwd: Nth American Conf- meet in the middle?,
Steve Hart, 07/17/2012
- Re: [permaculture] Fwd: Nth American Conf- meet in the middle?, Cory Brennan, 07/17/2012
- Re: [permaculture] Fwd: Nth American Conf- meet in the middle?, Bob Waldrop, 07/19/2012
Re: [permaculture] Fwd: Nth American Conf- meet in the middle?,
Steve Hart, 07/17/2012
[permaculture] How to expand permaculture,
Bob Waldrop, 07/19/2012
Re: [permaculture] How to expand permaculture,
mIEKAL aND, 07/19/2012
- Re: [permaculture] How to expand permaculture, Cory Brennan, 07/19/2012
- Re: [permaculture] How to expand permaculture, Bob Waldrop, 07/19/2012
- Re: [permaculture] How to expand permaculture, Rev Dele, 07/20/2012
Re: [permaculture] How to expand permaculture,
mIEKAL aND, 07/19/2012
Re: [permaculture] Fwd: Nth American Conf- meet in the middle?,
loren luyendyk, 07/17/2012
Re: [permaculture] Fwd: Nth American Conf,
Cory Brennan, 07/16/2012
Re: [permaculture] Fwd: Nth American Conf,
Bob Waldrop, 07/16/2012
Re: [permaculture] Fwd: Nth American Conf,
Cory Brennan, 07/16/2012
Re: [permaculture] Fwd: Nth American Conf,
Bob Waldrop, 07/16/2012
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