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permaculture - Re: [permaculture] official certification

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  • From: Toby Hemenway <>
  • To: permaculture <>
  • Subject: Re: [permaculture] official certification
  • Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2010 15:31:46 -0700


I don't think we communicate well. You consistently miss my points or just
dismiss them, and I assume I'm missing yours, so it seems a waste of time to
continue. Conversation over, from my end.


On Oct 25, 2010, at 12:01 PM, Killian O'Brien wrote:

> To All:
> I want to refocus this on the topic it started with. The issue is not
> *whom* to teach, nor how, though those points have come up. (Please,
> everyone, let's **stop** worrying about who other people are teaching! It's
> none ya! Git yer nose out other people's biz!)
> The subject also is not whether to certificate or not. Not only do such
> processes give us a way to at least attempt to create a common sense of
> what a given level of knowledge or expertise is, but many people simply
> want or need formalized settings to educate themselves in.
> Institutionalized solutions meet that need. They do not meet the needs of
> non-traditional learners or those without the means to participate in the
> institutional structures.
> So, the issue is how to go about it. On to my reply...
> Hey Toby,
> Let me start with this, " This is written fairly quickly; I hope that
> instead of nit-picking over the parts that aren't well developed you'll try
> to follow my intent. "
> No problem there. Intent is big for me, and perhaps makes me a little too
> sloppy with my language as I expect too much of context and people *not*
> reading the worst into what I say/write.
> Relatively, Toby, in parentheses, which was intended to convey, given
> context, a modified sense of "elite." The issue was affordability. Context
> was clear *to me*, but I will concede I perhaps should not have used the
> word. Negative? Sorry, that's on you to own. Emotionally charged? Ditto.
> They weren't for me. They still aren't. Reality: you are a (relatively)
> affluent American. We are speaking globally. In that regard, you are quite
> definitely elite on the financial scale. I don't see why that is either
> emotionally charged or negative.
> "I don't think that an effective way to spread permaculture is to target
> the poor or the radicals (although I won't discourage someone from doing
> that). You only change one person at a time that way. I think it is far
> more effective to offer it to policy makers, universities, planners, CEOs,
> developers--the elite, if you will."
> You are correct that we will disagree, but that is exactly what I was
> saying about old and new paradigms. Your approach simply doesn't seem to
> have much chance of working because we are so close to large bifurcations
> in all domains. Virtually all those you are speaking of, and to, have no
> sense at all that collapse is a possibility, so they *cannot* come up with
> the solutions except by accident. They don't understand sustainability
> because they don't understand 2nd Law implications.
> Being aware of or knowledgeable about permaculture doesn't automatically
> make one open to the idea that complexity *is* the problem or that growth
> cannot go on forever. This does not mean don't reach out to those people.
> Obviously it's not really an elite/poor issue, but will be a matter of a
> combination. However, community-generated solutions are far more likely to
> deal with the scales we need to work at by default: they're not necessarily
> trying to save the world and work within the constraints they have on-site.
> The "elites" have vested interests that conflict with community solutions.
> No way around that. Thus, my faith goes to those who must live with their
> solutions.
> Besides, Diamond, Tainter, Catton... all say simplify, simplify, simplify.
> That combined with common sense and past history all say you're likely
> going in the wrong direction. But again let me stress I think some of us
> need to be working it the way you suggest, just not most of us.
> "Okay, this next is triggered by, but not a direct reply to, the above... I
> doubt that the future will be so radical that certificates, degrees,
> committees, voting, listening to leaders, and other familiar ways of
> getting things done are going to disappear."
> No, they won't. But as things get sufficiently off-kilter, their
> effectiveness will diminish. I know of no organization here in Detroit that
> is self-supporting (though they may exist). When the funding goes, they go.
> Unless we do things differently from the start. We didn't pursue our own
> 501(c)(3) status because we had an umbrella. We didn't pursue outside
> funding because we had a partner with global reach that was going to
> advertise for us. But, for reasons having absolutely nothing to do with
> programming or permaculture, and everything to do with money and CYA, they
> backed out just weeks before our first PDC. It's the difference between
> solvency and being destitute for us, but not them. My point is, structures
> fall for reasons that have often - usually? - nothing to do with the idea
> being promoted/supported, and they are typically very human reasons. Our
> current situation isn't because we had a bad business concept or that
> permaculture is a bad idea, it is because people a
> re people and, at the end of the day, particularly in this day and age, are
> going to do for themselves before others, and that applies to ANY structure
> you care to create. As things get tougher, this will only increase in
> frequency and magnitude. Look at the Tea Party. Look at health care, the
> immigration debate, climate denial. Setting up a system that is not
> resilient to such shocks strikes me as risk assessment that is not robust.
> The point above does get into the issue of what the future holds, and our
> assessments are clearly quite different, which may not be resolvable except
> with time's own special way of exerting reality. However, we can choose to
> set up a system that is resilient in either case. I don't think the systems
> being suggested do that. They are squarely based in the old paradigm and
> thus are sensitive to the same shocks.
> "Having survived the sixties, I watched over and over as communities and
> groups would form, unhappy with the old ways... a fraction of 1% survive
> today. ...there are formal processes such as consensus that show promise.
> But hardly anyone really understands those new tools. They are
> counter-intuitive, and I would argue that in many cases, egalitarian
> methods like consensus go against our essential tribal nature as social
> pack animals who inherently look to strong, competent leaders...
> And I see us in a similar position to where we were in 1970. I hang around
> a lot of communities, and the complaint I hear over and over is that they
> love the community but consensus and related tools suck--"Nothing ever gets
> done, so why can't we just appoint committees and managers and move
> forward? I trust my peers to make good decisions without me.""
> Hunter-gatherers almost exclusively are non-hierarchical, thus our "nature"
> is to cooperate. But this is all off-topic. I've not suggested anything
> like what these issues raise. Have others?
> "If we wait until everyone is empowered and is a leader, we won't get there
> in time, and we will suffer from the "too many cooks" problem"
> Also not an issue raised.
> "The process of reinvigorating the national permaculture institute right
> now is hamstrung by exactly this defect in consensus: no one is allowed to
> move until we all feel equally empowered. So we are stalled."
> I don't see this as an issue or even a topic of conversation. Are people
> talking about this? This question, for me, is solely about access and
> affordability, not empowerment. As a nominal permaculturist, I'm quite
> comfortable telling the rest of you to go straight to hell if you don't
> like what I'm doing within the constraints I must deal with, and expect the
> same in return should I choose to comment on your work. More so, due to how
> events have played out, I've had zero choice in moving forward regardless
> of circumstances, so were anyone to complain about that they'd be very much
> in the wrong. Let's not get sidetracked here. This isn't what needs to be
> discussed; it's a moot point.
> "What's lacking is accountability, not decent tools."
> No, both. To wit:
> "many of the current methods, applied at the right scale, work very well,
> are comprehended by the mainstream and thus are more likely to be followed,
> and will get us there faster."
> The current methods, or suggested methods, may build accountability,
> poorly, but very much limit access. Any certificate for design that is a
> diploma/cert alone is basically worthless. Knowledge does not equal
> ability. This is reflected in the current PDC process where there is
> virtually no practicum in most programs and, as you have said, very little
> in terms of rigorous design requirements or standards. Worse, passing the
> trainee assessment consists of nothing more than a two year time period. It
> has no definition of what to do in that period or assessment of that work
> or how much work needs be done. Adding a diploma on top of this achieves
> nothing, particularly since a diploma course will be no more able to get
> past these issues than the current system. Knowledge does not equal skill.
> "once they are on board, we can move them yet farther. We need to meet
> people where they are, start with what they are familiar with. Few can make
> a giant paradigm shift as the first step, and it's a pipe dream to expect
> it as prerequisite for a solution."
> Off-topic, really.
> "We know that the big parts of the system are broken: national government,
> big corporations and banks, etc. But the same tools that work so badly at
> huge scale, when they are applied at small scale--local government, small
> non-profits and business, independent schools, committees, charismatic
> leaders--still work very well. I think we need to work with what we have at
> the same time we work on the replacements. If we insist on everyone
> learning new tools before we start, we will not get there in time. You
> cannot get anywhere if you don't start from where you are."
> I have not meant to state categorically, that we just not have these other
> systems. I *don't* think you have time to create these courses, get
> thousands of people trained in them and reach legitimacy in the eyes of the
> wider world. This can be seen as supporting your contention that the focus
> should be on educating power structures, but the nature and history of
> power structures in periods of decline suggest otherwise (Diamond). Thus, I
> think this route will, in a sense, waste resources. Should we not try to
> change from within? No. Give it a shot, but...
> I have tried to offer an alternative. Just as I find it a pointless
> conversation to discuss who is teaching whom, I find it pointless to debate
> whether there should be a traditionally institutional approach to
> certification(s) because 1. they already exist and 2. some people just
> need/want that sort of environment, etc.
> Let me be clearer: A possible approach that can co-exist with the diploma
> course approach is a portfolio and oral/written exams process. This can,
> and should, be much less expensive because it involves no physical plant,
> no infrastructure. It will meet the needs of non-traditional learners,
> those of limited means, those of limited physical access (cost of
> transportation), those that are self-taught, etc. It does require
> organization and identification of people qualified to sit such boards.
> That process can be as complicated or as simple as people want to make it
> (but things always look infinitely simpler to me than to most). It will
> also be more legitimate in that it is based in people's work and ability to
> communicate that work. We are talking about design, right? I believe the
> core of licensing for architects is a portfolio and exam approach, is it
> not?
> Identification of those qualified to sit such boards might well be a matter
> of acclaim in the initial phase, but should, in my opinion, be done by wide
> acclaim, not by a committee, for we are essentially in the process of
> codifying what a diploma might actually mean in terms of content. Content
> might well be determined by committee, but also should be held up for
> general vote, imo. Let's determine as a community, eh? (Look at the mess we
> already have with diploma level certs being offered by different entities,
> each apparently with its own criteria for the course and the teachers. Such
> a state will have zero legitimacy in the eyes of the public at large. This
> is already seen in the EFL/ESL field where a basic cert is a joke to
> everyone, but everyone needs one. It's just a money mill for the providers.)
> Once this process is done, we can trust the power structures to work as
> designed. Should we not, since we have the opportunity, go ahead and be
> inclusive at this stage, and define these things as a community?
> Perhaps the various convergences should consider a design charrette
> methodology and start sketching out how we use permaculture principles to
> remake society...? IPC10 is coming up next summer, no? Or given work
> already done and programs already existing, these open dialogues can be
> used to narrow things done and IPC10 used as a final design charrette and
> determination of a list of people qualified to sit boards.
> My last concern: if this process were to become a reality, also for
> existing programs, an issue of fairness will arise. Those required to go
> through these programs are being asked to reach a bar those now setting the
> bar did not have to reach. This is unavoidable. We must, however, keep in
> mind those that end up setting the bar will tend to forget how they got
> where they are, how they built their knowledge base, etc, and will be
> inclined to set the bar higher than is fair or necessary. This is simply
> how our brains work. Our brains forget experiences, they reframe
> difficulty, they allow us to work on assumptions that were, at earlier
> times in our learning process, as clear as mud, and allow us to ask too
> much because we have forgotten to account for the fact we've accumulated
> what we know over long time frames and via myriad experiences we are
> attempting to codify and compress into weeks, months, or years.
> That is, be realistic, be gentle.
> Please be aware in all this I am speaking as someone with 14 years of
> classroom and training experience. That is not to claim I am a world-class
> educator, nor that I am assuming what I suggest here is How Things Are and
> Should Be, only that I speak from a fairly well-founded perspective on how
> to educate, i.e. not talking out of my ass.
> Cheers,
> Killian O'Brien
> PRI-De
> (313) 647-4015
> (760) 617-4693
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Toby Hemenway
> Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2010 5:39 PM
> To: permaculture
> Subject: Re: [permaculture] official certification
> Okay, this is one of my lengthy screeds. The more meaty stuff is toward the
> end.
> On Oct 23, 2010, at 4:23 PM, Killian O'Brien wrote:
>> Oh, Toby, do be careful when putting words in other's mouths. . . . Read
>> again, more carefully, or ask for clarification, please.
> Well, here's what you wrote-
>> By making permaculture about money and formal certificates, you are
>> preventing/slowing its spread . . .
>> . . . makes it the playground of the (relatively) elite. And I guess the
>> assessors are chosen by acclaim or are self-appointed...? . . . engage in
>> cannibalistic behaviors . . . Unless this more rigorous certification
>> process is going to be offered essentially for free, and that seems
>> unlikely, it will do more harm than good.
> It's impossible for me to take this in any other way than as condemnation
> of the Gaia U program and certification; if you meant it as support for
> multiple options, those words don't convey that. I don't think I've failed
> to read carefully. Whatever you were meaning, when we lead off with
> negative, emotionally loaded language, it gets people's hackles up from the
> start, and makes it likely that any calmer, constructive points made
> later--as you did make--will be lost. It's the same thing that happened
> with Kevin's original post about the Army PDC; he started with
> condemnations and complaints, and then wondered why the thoughtful
> questions he asked later were ignored.
>> Money is just a proxy for all the various reasons people can't make it to
>> courses. Got course fees covered? What about air fare? Lost work hours?
>> Child care? And on and on. Your point is moot, imo.
> No, it's not moot; it's at the heart of what you wrote: How do we spread
> this stuff? What I see from you is a list of perceived impediments that
> have been easily overcome. People offer courses on the weekends, on a
> string of Saturdays, we offer child-care done by spouses (teachers or
> participants) who trade off, we offer local courses so there's no airfare,
> we offer parallel courses for their kids. There are people out there
> getting 30, 40, 70 students, because they are creating those solutions. And
> those who hold cheap PDCs in crowded living rooms and advertise on the
> co-op bulletin board--maybe not you, but lots of teachers--complain that
> they can't fill their courses. They ignore useful tools that work, see only
> impediments, and then complain.
> Certification, far from being an impediment, is what attracts people to
> these courses. You have to give people a tangible take home. The
> certificate is exactly that for most people, much more so than making a
> compost pile or a general grasp of systems thinking. Non-certificate
> courses tend not to attract as many people, and I hear that from all the
> teachers I talk to--which is quite a few. The answer is not to give it away
> and lower standards, not in this culture.
> See, here's where I think we differ, and I'm going to say something very
> politically incorrect: I don't think that an effective way to spread
> permaculture is to target the poor or the radicals (although I won't
> discourage someone from doing that). You only change one person at a time
> that way. I think it is far more effective to offer it to policy makers,
> universities, planners, CEOs, developers--the elite, if you will. One CEO
> who pushes permaculture through to all employees, one Hollywood star who
> gets on Oprah, will make far more difference than a blockfull of anarchists
> or impoverished. It is still a top-down world; I don't like it but I will
> use it to my advantage. I know I will be pilloried for that, but I'm
> looking for leverage points, and that's where I see them. I've done the
> other--I've done PDCs for $40, and almost nothing came of them, maybe a
> keyhole bed in a backyard. My PDCs to professionals result in amazing
> projects that go on to be implemented in schools, go
> vernments, neighborhoods, and businesses.
>> I said the solution proposed maintains structures of the past that are
>> unlikely to apply in the future, as well as limiting access, so why not do
>> it differently?
> Okay, this next is triggered by, but not a direct reply to, the above. On
> one hand, the way many current management and decision-making processes are
> used is indeed dysfunctional, overly hierarchical, based on continual
> growth, and all those other points. On the other hand, most of the
> replacements for them, like consensus, NVC, etc., are either little-tried,
> not well understood or understood in conflicting ways, easily mis-applied
> or stonewalled, and have other serious problems. There is, indeed, huge
> urgency in moving forward. But if we wait for these new tools to come on
> line, for everyone to agree how to use them, it will be too late. So it's a
> mistake to throw out the old tools right now, and that's why I think
> certification, clear rules, and common decision-making processes still have
> plenty of value. I doubt that the future will be so radical that
> certificates, degrees, committees, voting, listening to leaders, and other
> familiar ways of getting things done are going t
> o disappear. There's the short version of the problem. Here's the long
> version, if that's not clear or you want more:
> Having survived the sixties, I watched over and over as communities and
> groups would form, unhappy with the old ways, and they'd throw the rules
> out completely, and try to design a new way to be together. Almost none of
> them lasted more than months; a fraction of 1% survive today. The impetus
> was honorable: end the patriarchy, etc, etc, but they had no functional
> tools to replace what they threw out, and in most cases, their efforts
> devolved into the ancient pattern of a few people under a charismatic
> leader, and everyone who disagreed with the boss left. We've learned a lot
> since then, and there are formal processes such as consensus that show
> promise. But hardly anyone really understands those new tools. They are
> counter-intuitive, and I would argue that in many cases, egalitarian
> methods like consensus go against our essential tribal nature as social
> pack animals who inherently look to strong, competent leaders. And I see us
> in a similar position to where we were in 1970.
> I hang around a lot of communities, and the complaint I hear over and over
> is that they love the community but consensus and related tools
> suck--"Nothing ever gets done, so why can't we just appoint committees and
> managers and move forward? I trust my peers to make good decisions without
> me."
> Years ago, I ran a business, and had a crew of really gifted employees. I
> went to them with a profit-sharing, co-management plan where they would
> have equal power in the business, and they said, "We just want to come to
> work, then go home and forget about the job. We see all the work you do,
> and we don't want to share it." If we wait until everyone is empowered and
> is a leader, we won't get there in time, and we will suffer from the "too
> many cooks" problem, which I see constantly in new endeavors. The process
> of reinvigorating the national permaculture institute right now is
> hamstrung by exactly this defect in consensus: no one is allowed to move
> until we all feel equally empowered. So we are stalled. I think the idea
> that we will evolve to "decentralized leadership structures" flies in the
> face of our human and animal nature; we respond to and need clear, focused
> leadership. What's lacking is accountability, not decent tools. God, the
> last thing I want is to have to partici
> pate in every decision that affects me. I trust other people to be
> competent. So while we continue to hone newer and more equitable ways of
> sharing power and responsibility, many of the current methods, applied at
> the right scale, work very well, are comprehended by the mainstream and
> thus are more likely to be followed, and will get us there faster.
> Another example: there are tours in many cities of "sustainable living
> examples" or the like. The ones that look like hippie houses are scoffed at
> by most of those on the tours. The ones that look like familiar houses get
> people excited. They aren't as "sustainable" as the hippie houses, but they
> get far more people on board. And then, once they are on board, we can move
> them yet farther. We need to meet people where they are, start with what
> they are familiar with. Few can make a giant paradigm shift as the first
> step, and it's a pipe dream to expect it as prerequisite for a solution.
> We know that the big parts of the system are broken: national government,
> big corporations and banks, etc. But the same tools that work so badly at
> huge scale, when they are applied at small scale--local government, small
> non-profits and business, independent schools, committees, charismatic
> leaders--still work very well. I think we need to work with what we have at
> the same time we work on the replacements. If we insist on everyone
> learning new tools before we start, we will not get there in time. You
> cannot get anywhere if you don't start from where you are.
> This is written fairly quickly; I hope that instead of nit-picking over the
> parts that aren't well developed you'll try to follow my intent.
> Toby
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