Subject: permaculture
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- From: "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <>
- To: permaculture <>
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul
- Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 14:16:53 -0400
Tommy Tolson wrote:
> Backing Ron Paul is as profound a mistake as a person who loves life
> could make because, after corporate rule sets in, Ron Paul as President
> will make Dubya look saintly.
Imagine your local police department being replaced by Blackwater, Inc. commandos answerable to no one, taking orders from a multimillionaire Christian fundamentalist ex-SEAL.
But they gotta have 'em. They've created this huge poor misbehaved underclass
and now they need crowd control, just like in Iraq, Afganistan, Lebanon and
(not serious - LL)
Is Ron Paul this "multimillionaire Christian fundamentalist ex-SEAL"?
In the Republican Party, Ron Paul is a megawingnut among wingnuts, as even the most virulent of its corporatists would not unleash corporations like Ron Paul will, if elected.
He won't get my vote and on the rebound neither will Obama or Clinton should
the Democratic Party
be so irresponsible as to nominate them instead of other available very
worthwhile candidates.
Lawrence F. London, Jr.
Venaura Farm
Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul,
Tommy Tolson, 06/12/2007
Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul,
Lawrence F. London, Jr., 06/12/2007
Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul,
Tommy Tolson, 06/12/2007
- Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul, Graham, 06/12/2007
Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul,
Tommy Tolson, 06/12/2007
Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul,
Lawrence F. London, Jr., 06/20/2007
- Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul, Tommy Tolson, 06/20/2007
- Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul, Lawrence F. London, Jr., 06/21/2007
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
[permaculture] Ron Paul,
Eugene Monaco, 06/12/2007
Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul,
Tommy Tolson, 06/12/2007
- Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul, Lawrence F. London, Jr., 06/12/2007
Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul,
Lawrence F. London, Jr., 06/12/2007
- Re: [permaculture] Water-Contamination, Soil-Contamination, Law-strategies -Remedial actions-US.TX, US.NC, Kenneth Benway, 06/12/2007
Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul,
Tommy Tolson, 06/12/2007
Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul,
Lawrence F. London, Jr., 06/12/2007
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