Subject: permaculture
List archive
- From: akiva w <>
- To: "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <>,
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] israel eco-peace
- Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2005 04:03:52 -0800 (PST)
--- "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <> wrote:
>Can you get rock dusts anywhere there? Quarry dust,
i.e. siltation pond fines?
> You could use and sell that for good profit and
> provide a vary valuable soil amendment; great for
> +PR.
plenty of rock dust already in the soil here. i'm not
big on transporting resources and usually find most of
what i need in the neighborhood.
> I am tooling up to manufacture worldclass lifetime
> hand tools fo raised bed gardening. I can give you
> exclusive Middle East importation rights if you're
cool, i'm big on quality hand tools. even better than
importing them, sell me the specs and they can be
manufactured here. there's a lot of tax on important
items and the higher profit margins are in the
intellectual proberty imho.
hey, that's a micropoem for larry s: imho
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Re: [permaculture] israel eco-peace,
akiva w, 12/18/2005
Re: [permaculture] israel eco-peace,
Lawrence F. London, Jr., 12/18/2005
Re: [permaculture] israel eco-peace,
akiva w, 12/18/2005
Re: [permaculture] israel eco-peace,
Lawrence F. London, Jr., 12/18/2005
Re: [permaculture] israel eco-peace,
akiva w, 12/18/2005
- Re: [permaculture] israel eco-peace, Lawrence F. London, Jr., 12/18/2005
Re: [permaculture] israel eco-peace,
akiva w, 12/18/2005
Re: [permaculture] israel eco-peace,
Lawrence F. London, Jr., 12/18/2005
Re: [permaculture] israel eco-peace,
akiva w, 12/18/2005
Re: [permaculture] israel eco-peace,
Lawrence F. London, Jr., 12/18/2005
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