Subject: permaculture
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- From: Graham <>
- To: permaculture <>
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] psychedlics and permaculture
- Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 18:13:56 +0100
I'm not that bothered what Bill & dave think about psychedilcs (no disrespect, chaps), we should be thinking for ourselves, not looking up to 'leaders'- isn't that the central message of permaculture- or is that anarchy??? Bill and Dave had great ideas, but I'm sure they'd be the last to want to see them stand still and undeveloped... permanent Culture doesn't mean its dead and static, rtaher that its sustainable and evolving...
I also don't see why its 'conservative' to question the benefits of drug taking- it could equally be equally seen as conservative to promote LSD, dope, etc as 'mind enhancing'. From my experience around drug users they often seem to be too stoned and apathetic to be much of a threat to anything, let alone any sort of a danger to the destructoculture status quo. All I've ever seen is drugs killing creativity rather than enhancing it... What destroyed the hippy and punk movements???
Yes I know 'legal' drugs do vast amounts of social harm, but I never claimed that for me beer does anything other provide some enjoyement and relaxation- though I reckon I've seen more creative ideas born over a convivial pint or two in the pub than I have in any room full of stoned hippys rolling joints on a Pink Floyd album sleeve saying "Maaan" alot before falling asleep (and I am speaking from deeply depressing experience...)...
I don't mean to come across as moralistic or anything, cos that certainly isn't the perspective I'm coming from, and I certainly believe that its everybodies right to do what the want with their own bodie- but as Larry says this should be a free discussion space- but that goes both ways...
Cheers Graham
Kaia Bronte wrote:
If I were new to the permaculture way I would ask, based on your statements:
which psychedelic drugs do Bill Mollison and David Holmgren recommend?
The One Peace be with You,
/ l.s. / Kaia Bronte
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Lawrence F.
London, Jr.
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 10:33 PM
To: permaculture
Subject: Re: [permaculture] psychedlics and permaculture
Rain Tenaqiya wrote:
I'm surprised to find such conservative views about psychedelic substances
[permaculture] psychedlics and permaculture,
Rain Tenaqiya, 09/26/2005
Re: [permaculture] psychedlics and permaculture,
Lawrence F. London, Jr., 09/27/2005
Re: [permaculture] psychedlics and permaculture,
Kaia Bronte, 09/27/2005
Re: [permaculture] psychedlics and permaculture,
Graham, 09/27/2005
Re: [permaculture] psychedlics and permaculture,
d pfalzer, 09/27/2005
- Re: [permaculture] psychedlics and permaculture, Graham, 09/27/2005
- Re: [permaculture] psychedlics and permaculture, Scott Dubois, 09/27/2005
Re: [permaculture] psychedlics and permaculture,
d pfalzer, 09/27/2005
Re: [permaculture] psychedlics and permaculture,
Graham, 09/27/2005
Re: [permaculture] psychedlics and permaculture,
Kaia Bronte, 09/27/2005
- Re: [permaculture] psychedlics and permaculture, neshura, 09/27/2005
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: [permaculture] psychedlics and permaculture, Peter Tagtmeyer, 09/27/2005
Re: [permaculture] psychedlics and permaculture,
Lawrence F. London, Jr., 09/27/2005
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