Subject: permaculture
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- From: Santoyo & Associates <>
- To:
- Subject: [permaculture] Re:Agenda Shaping
- Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2002 11:40:35 -0700
Kirby, Treesa et al,
I can't speak for Mr. Pittman but I think if you contacted him he just might be agreeable to speak at your Texas gig... he, being a Texas boy an' all. Thanks for thinkin' of me but I think Scott would be your best bet... (and I hear he's closin' in on a cure for sufferin' tarnation!..:)
I don't think I know who Treesa is but... I am busy, but NEVER too busy to fight the good fight.
Larry Santoyo
EarthFlow Design Works
San Luis Obispo, CA
>> The speakers you mentioned are quite busy, <<
Do you know what Scott is up to these days? We just passed through
Pojoaque, NM last August but didn't have time to stop. I'd love to see how
his chinampas are doing.
I'm interested to hear what he or Bill might have to say about all of these
wildfires and how we can restore ecosystems that aren't so prone to burning.
Can we even rebuild / restore a western forest that doesn't need prescribed
I posted an article not too long ago about how the wildfires are popping up
on lands that were over logged years ago.
with this subject. <<but I will forward this message to quite the speaker who would do well
To whom are you referring?
Are you familiar with the Arid Lands Newsletter? <<
Yes, though I haven't subscribed to any journals in ages. Who's the editor
these days? Thanks, Treesa for your input.
[permaculture] Agenda Shaping: The Society for Ecological Restoration,
Kirby Fry, 10/07/2002
Re: [permaculture] Agenda Shaping: The Society for Ecological Restoration,
Treesa Jane Rogerson, 10/07/2002
Re: [permaculture] Agenda Shaping: The Society for Ecological Restoration,
Kirby Fry, 10/09/2002
[permaculture] Re:Agenda Shaping,
Santoyo & Associates, 10/09/2002
- [permaculture] Re: Re:Agenda Shaping, Treesa Jane Rogerson, 10/09/2002
Re: [permaculture] Agenda Shaping: The Society for Ecological Restoration,
Rick Valley, 10/10/2002
- Re: [permaculture] Agenda Shaping: The Society for Ecological Restoration, Mark, 10/10/2002
Re: [permaculture] Agenda Shaping: The Society for EcologicalRestoration,
Kirby Fry, 10/12/2002
Re: [permaculture] Agenda Shaping: The Society for EcologicalRestoration,
Rick Valley, 10/17/2002
[permaculture] Carbon Sinks / Fire Proof Forests,
Kirby Fry, 10/17/2002
- Re: [permaculture] Carbon Sinks / Fire Proof Forests, Rick Valley, 10/17/2002
- Re: [permaculture] Carbon Sinks / Fire Proof Forests, John Schinnerer, 10/18/2002
- Re: [permaculture] Carbon Sinks / Fire Proof Forests, Rick Valley, 10/19/2002
- Re: [permaculture] Carbon Sinks / Fire Proof Forests, John Schinnerer, 10/19/2002
[permaculture] Carbon Sinks / Fire Proof Forests,
Kirby Fry, 10/17/2002
Re: [permaculture] Agenda Shaping: The Society for EcologicalRestoration,
Rick Valley, 10/17/2002
[permaculture] Re:Agenda Shaping,
Santoyo & Associates, 10/09/2002
Re: [permaculture] Agenda Shaping: The Society for Ecological Restoration,
Kirby Fry, 10/09/2002
Re: [permaculture] Agenda Shaping: The Society for Ecological Restoration,
Treesa Jane Rogerson, 10/07/2002
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