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nafex - [NAFEX] Re: nafex Digest, Vol 21, Issue 69

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Subject: North American Fruit Explorers mailing list at ibiblio

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  • From: Rondi Anderson <>
  • To:
  • Subject: [NAFEX] Re: nafex Digest, Vol 21, Issue 69
  • Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 21:47:18 -0500

I am considering the mulching to increase the health of my soil. I'm a Ruth Stout girl at heart. :-D The more mulch the merrier. I'm too impatient and lazy for compost.

Are you growing only apples in your orchard?

Regarding the foil, how wide of a strip are you using and how many times to do wrap it around?



From: "tanis cuff" <>
Subject: RE: [NAFEX] New Apples

I haul leaves from towns to my rural plantings. (I like to tell people
working in their yards: "Can I have your leaves? I put them on my lawn".)
Was wondering whether to post a comment here that I seem to have less damage
from apple scab than some sprayed orchards, but other factors may be at
play, other than just covering the innoculum source. I try to get enough
leaves under the dripline of all trees, especially those I didn't control
the weeds, to cover whatever is trying to grow. It also looks nice.

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