Subject: North American Fruit Explorers mailing list at ibiblio
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- From:
- To: North American Fruit Explorers <>
- Subject: [NAFEX] Reply to Bruce Hansen
- Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 19:28:34 -0400
On Oct 27, 2004, at 8:55 AM, Bruce Hansen wrote:
. . . What a bunch of tight-wads.
Shame on you!! I even had one person state "I do not know anyone who would
want a membership". Egads!! Use your telephone directory. Pick three people
at random who have fruit-like last names and buy them a membership. . . .
I am the person who wrote this to Mr. Hansen. The full statement (in context) was:
"Well, personally, I'm the only one I know who likes to plant and eat unusual fruits. That's why I joined NAFEX - to meet other people who share this interest. I can't imagine to whom I would give a membership. It would make more sense to just give NAFEX a donation outright. If NAFEX asks, I probably will, but I think I will wait and see how the discussion goes, first. I suspect we need higher dues, but I'm not sure what the best level is. It's nice that the dues are cheap enough that you don't need to think too hard about them."
I wasn't going to reply on the list serve to Mr. Hansen's remarks, but now that he has insulted me by name, too (in his note at 6:05 this evening) I can no longer restrain myself.
I second the request from for more information from the board on NAFEX's financial difficulties. My understanding (which might be wrong) is that NAFEX has enough cash, but has had considerably more outgo than income in the last few years. This is a structural problem, not an urgent one. As such, I believe it should be solved structurally, not by frantic random fundraising.
The idea of donating grafted trees is a nice one, although there are a number of reasons individual members might not respond to the offer (limits on money, space, time, or interest). The idea of putting old "Pomonas" on a CD and selling it to members (or others) is also a nice one, although it certainly must be done under the auspices of the board and with some attention to copyright law. (If individuals want to convert their own copies of Pomona to electronic files for their own use, with the possibility of later donating their work to NAFEX, that is also a nice first step and should be within the realm of "fair use".)
I don't think the idea of buying random memberships is a good one. While it is certainly positive to buy a gift membership to a friend who might be interested, and might become an active member, buying memberships to strangers with "fruit-like last names" is likely to do more harm than good. First, it's rude as the unfortunate strangers are likely to consider "Pomona" to be unwanted junk mail. My neighbor might want to support his local bowling league, but I don't want to read their newsletter! Second, it probably hurts NAFEX. NAFEX has two major expenses: Running the annual meeting and producing and mailing out "Pomona". If we currently have negative cash-flow, the odds are that the price of membership doesn't cover the cost of mailing out an additional subscription to "Pomona". (The fixed costs are fairly small, since it is written and edited by volunteers. The variable costs of paper and postage are large.)
I guess I wasn't explicit enough to Mr. Hansen, but I was serious about giving money if NAFEX asks for contributions. I am still formulating my ideas, but I wonder if one way that NAFEX might address its structural cash-flow problem is by having a low-key fund drive once a year. It might be a compromise between raising dues, and possibly driving away some of our members (who value membership, unlike my random neighbors) and slowly going broke. Those of us who could easily afford higher dues might instead send in a donation in addition to dues. It might be very low-key (and not too annoying) if it were part of the dues form. Something like "membership dues: $13/year, voluntary contribution: $10, $20, $30" Who knows, we might even qualify for tax deductible status (although we could ask for contributions whether or not we do.)
I do not plan to give money just because Mr. Hansen tries to bully me. I will certainly not buy a tree from him, even as a gift. I care deeply about NAFEX, but I would prefer a polite request for help from the board.
Actually, the board did ask for our help. We got a note from a board member asking us to come up with ideas. Several people have tried to address this constructively. That's not "just talk", it is the first step towards action as an organization, that will help the organization.
Ginda Fisher
[NAFEX] converted willingly,
Heron Breen, 10/25/2004
Re: [NAFEX] converted willingly,
Charles Paradise, 10/27/2004
RE: [NAFEX] converted willingly,
Bruce Hansen, 10/27/2004
RE: [NAFEX] converted willingly,
Lisa Almarode, 10/27/2004
- RE: [NAFEX] converted willingly, Bruce Hansen, 10/28/2004
- [NAFEX] Reply to Bruce Hansen, list, 10/28/2004
RE: [NAFEX] converted willingly,
Lisa Almarode, 10/27/2004
RE: [NAFEX] converted willingly,
Bruce Hansen, 10/27/2004
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
RE: [NAFEX] converted willingly,
Heron Breen, 10/27/2004
RE: [NAFEX] converted willingly,
Bruce Hansen, 10/27/2004
Re: [NAFEX] converted willingly,
Thomas Olenio, 10/27/2004
- RE: [NAFEX] converted willingly, Bruce Hansen, 10/27/2004
- Re: [NAFEX] converted willingly, Claude Sweet, 10/27/2004
Re: [NAFEX] converted willingly,
Thomas Olenio, 10/27/2004
RE: [NAFEX] converted willingly,
Bruce Hansen, 10/27/2004
Re: [NAFEX] converted willingly,
Heron Breen, 10/27/2004
Re: [NAFEX] converted willingly,
Claude Sweet, 10/27/2004
RE: [NAFEX] converted willingly,
Bruce Hansen, 10/28/2004
- Re: [NAFEX] converted willingly, Claude Sweet, 10/28/2004
RE: [NAFEX] converted willingly,
Bruce Hansen, 10/28/2004
- Re: [NAFEX] converted willingly, Pat Meadows, 10/27/2004
Re: [NAFEX] converted willingly,
Claude Sweet, 10/27/2004
Re: [NAFEX] converted willingly,
Charles Paradise, 10/27/2004
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