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homestead - Re: [Homestead] who's the liar?

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  • From: EarthNSky <erthnsky AT>
  • To: homestead AT
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] who's the liar?
  • Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2009 08:12:01 -0400

Yesterday there was a story about how the Democrats are saying 2 million
so that when the 20-30K show up(as estimated by organizers) the Dems can
say something like 'far less showed up than expected'. It sounds like
the Washington Post revealed whose side they are on, as if we did not
already know.
My experience with the Tea Party movement is through you and some folks
on Facebook. Many of the people who are getting involved with the Tea
Parties are people who are middle aged and older, but they are from ALL
parties, not just Republican/Libertarian as the Democrats would have you
believe. There are quite a few conservative Democrats, Blue Dog folks,
in the mix, but the majority Democrats in power don't want anyone to
know that.
They want a leader to emerge so that he or she can be discredited. When
you read the stories, it is all about 'angry people with no leadership'.
I think that is by choice. This is community organization for
real...people becoming aware that their way of life as they know it is
in real danger. No leader necessary. The media and Democrats like
Pelosi would also have everyone believe that these are protests against
President Obama. You often hear that there were no tea parties before
the Obama administration. This is just not true. I think it started as
early as 2007 with a campaign fund raiser for Ron Paul. The 'movement'
took off and generated a life of it's own, and that kind of thing is
scary to those in power. IMO, this is more indicative of the mandate
for CHANGE than the election of President Obama.


Leslie wrote:

DC Capitol was surrounded today, as were many other capitols across
the US; protests were held in other cities.

Tea Party Organizers anticipated some 30,000 to 50,000 to show up in

So,,,,,,,,,,,, the Washington Post reports: Tens of Thousands

What's that Truth ?

Miles of people, in a march that was supposed to only take an hour
and a half took 3 hours, with the most recent estimates at 2 Million
- JUST in DC, not including the rest of the nation's capitols and

Funny thing how aerial pictures and time lapse photography tell the much as MSM either refuses to report or undercounts by
90%. Out here the undercounting borders on the absurd, photographs
and signatures of people tell a much different story. And the story
is that MSM is lying.
"912 March on DC Early reportsfrom ABC and Fox are that the total
turnout was around 2 million, despite the lousy weather, and despite
the blackout from the media about this. (ooops, I said blackout, is
this racist?)"

And here is live video to dispute the Washington Post estimate :
more confirmation head count coming in over 2million.
"The White House on Friday claimed it was unaware of the planned
rally. "I don't know who the group is," White House spokesman Robert
Gibbs told reporters with a shrug."

Are we supposed to believe that Washington didn't know.....?? Sorry

seriously out of touch with what is going on in this country.....

Magnitude of the rally took Washington by surprise.... The 3rd
warning shot has been fired, people.

The last two rallies I went to, I have met more and more first timers
who are getting angrier and angrier. These people aren't paid to go.

I just got back to the protest at my state capitol. Turn-out was
from across the entire state. Today, I had 3 hitchhikers with me,
who desperately wanted to go, but couldn't afford the cost of fuel to
get to the Capitol. But they did have their signs, and I listed to
14 hours of non-stop anger from them (these are newcomers to the
movement). Two of these people were trying to decide on whether to
split a $2 meal or a $3 meal.......... (both unemployed now). Some
people were not able to go, but made signs and asked me to take them
on their behalf.

On the way, as we made stops for breaks or fuel, clerks asked us the
same question on seeing my shirt, and the patriotic colors of others.
Others stated that they have been seeing other people decked out with
similar shirts. What is going on? When told, instant support.

And a funny thing happened - "trouble" showed up and attempted to
instigate a physical scuffle in a crowded area - imagine that,
completely anticipated behavior, also. A handful of trouble,
against thousands of us. The best part was the cops defended our
Constitiutional rights to freedom of speech, right to assemble
peacefully. And "trouble" was escorted off the grounds.

Support doesn't stop at the physical body count judging by the sounds
of honking horns, thumbs up signs from cars that pass by when we line
the busy corners.

My message to Congress is - Can you hear us yet?

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Sleep well tonight, for somewhere in the ocean's depths, MY son is
protecting your freedom on the USS Key West, currently deployed
somewhere in the Pacific and/or Indian Ocean. Go Navy!
EarthNSky Farm, NW Georgia, USA

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