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homestead - Re: [Homestead] Another book for Bev

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  • From: EarthNSky <erthnsky AT>
  • To: homestead AT
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] Another book for Bev
  • Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 23:14:28 -0500

Jeanne Driese wrote:
Bev wrote: It's a good, interesting, controversial book.

But you don't believe that it would be worth trying some of the things suggested to improve your health, because of lack of enough evidence?

Well of course! I did not mean it to sound like I was blowing the diet
part of it off. You know I was interested in this because I was asking
about it a few months ago. I have even said on the list that I know
that dairy and beef and such are bad for me and that I eat venison
almost exclusively for 'red' meat-I have been obsessed with getting a
deer.. So I am there with ya on this, okay? ;)
For me, the controversy comes with the whole one blood type is more
evolved than another.... I look at blood types in humans more as strains
than as evolutionary changes, that's all. And that's really not that
big of a deal, for me, but it is for some.

At the end of each chapter he has a long list of where he
found his evidence, is that not so?

I gave the book back to my daughter, but yes, I recall he listed his

I am very curious to know why
you would not be willing to try out the plan.

Again, we have a misunderstanding. I am not against the plan-not at all.


The true significance of Sacajawea's involvement in the Lewis & Clark
expedition is that it was the first documented trip in history where men
asked a woman for directions and followed them, allowing them to arrive
at their destination.

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