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Subject: Homestead mailing list
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- From: EarthNSky <erthnsky AT>
- To: homestead AT
- Subject: Re: [Homestead] out of the blue
- Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2008 02:13:55 -0500
Lisa K.V. Perry wrote:
Bev! What an evening you had. So sorry to hear you're ill. Too much partying on your granddaughter's first birthday?! I'm kidding.
I have had one kidney infection, I keep 100% cranberry juice on hand
for whenever I feel that I might be getting a UTI.
Also very recently learned that a few drops of grapefruit seed
extract added to a couple ounces of water and swallowed will get rid
of staph infection.
So sorry to hear of your health issues, but glad you're feeling okay
enough to post today. Take care of yourself.
Thanks Lisa...I wrote about the cranberry, but I will try to get some
grapefruit seed extract. I've seen it at the store.
If you would, on list or off, could you tell me about your kidney
infection..did you have the writhing pain like I described? I couldn't
cry, all I could do was moan, it was a long, painful night...
Twelve hours from right now, I have a birthday party to attend. Due to
my illness the toybox was not completed on time, so she gets a Christmas
present for a birthday present and visa versa.
The true significance of Sacajawea's involvement in the Lewis & Clark
expedition is that it was the first documented trip in history where men
asked a woman for directions and followed them, allowing them to arrive
at their destination.
[Homestead] out of the blue,
EarthNSky, 12/19/2008
- Re: [Homestead] out of the blue, bobf, 12/19/2008
Re: [Homestead] out of the blue,
Lisa K.V. Perry, 12/19/2008
Re: [Homestead] out of the blue,
EarthNSky, 12/20/2008
Re: [Homestead] out of the blue,
Lisa K.V. Perry, 12/20/2008
- Re: [Homestead] out of the blue, EarthNSky, 12/20/2008
Re: [Homestead] out of the blue,
Lisa K.V. Perry, 12/20/2008
Re: [Homestead] out of the blue,
EarthNSky, 12/20/2008
Re: [Homestead] out of the blue,
rayzentz, 12/19/2008
Re: [Homestead] out of the blue,
Robert Walton, 12/19/2008
Re: [Homestead] out of the blue,
EarthNSky, 12/20/2008
Re: [Homestead] out of the blue,
Lynn Wigglesworth, 12/20/2008
Re: [Homestead] out of the blue,
EarthNSky, 12/20/2008
- Re: [Homestead] out of the blue, bobf, 12/20/2008
- Re: [Homestead] out of the blue, bobf, 12/20/2008
- Re: [Homestead] out of the blue, VAN DELL JORDAN, 12/20/2008
Re: [Homestead] out of the blue,
EarthNSky, 12/20/2008
Re: [Homestead] out of the blue,
Lynn Wigglesworth, 12/20/2008
Re: [Homestead] out of the blue,
EarthNSky, 12/20/2008
Re: [Homestead] out of the blue,
Robert Walton, 12/19/2008
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