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homestead - [Homestead] Playing Possum

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  • From: EarthNSky <erthnsky AT>
  • To: Homestead List <homestead AT>
  • Subject: [Homestead] Playing Possum
  • Date: Mon, 08 Dec 2008 18:42:59 -0500

I don't know if I have mentioned this on the list, but for about a week
or so, and sporadically before that, egg production has dropped off. I
also noticed that when I would feed the chickens, they sometimes seemed
hesitant to go into the coop. I searched the coop a week or so ago
looking for some overwintering snake or something, but found nothing.
Today, while stirring up the deep bedding hay in the coop, I noticed a
spot that looked like a nest of sorts, where something had been laying,
under the hay. I also noticed that the automatic waterer had frozen, so
I fixed that and then kind of forgot about the other, thinking that the
lack of eggs was probably due to the lack of water than anything
else...That may or may not be the case..
This afternoon, I went out to start loading the porch with wood, and of
course, my Bear Bear accompanied me. Not even five minutes into loading
the wheelbarrow, Bear starts barking like crazy up on the hill. I could
barely see him through the trees, circling something and jumping around
it. I got the .22 rifle and headed up the hill. (not an easy task with
so many fallen trees on the slope) I was hoping it was a wounded deer,
but afraid it was a skunk..When I got up there, I could see that it was
a 'dead' possum...Bear had apparently removed the opossum tail as it was
bleeding and was an obvious fresh wound. But, the cool part was, the
opossum was actually 'playing possum'. It was the first time that I
have actually seen this behavior. He looked dead as dead could be, but
was still breathing-very cool and very convincing. Of course, he is not
breathing now, because I am smarter than the average possum eater<G>,
and so is Bear. As I walked back down the hill, playing with Bear Bear
for being such a good dog, I wondered if Mr. Possum might be the egg
thief..I wonder if my puttering around inside the coop today sent him
scrambling up the hill for new cover. As typical with such things, time
will tell.


“Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to
hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Yoda

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