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homestead - [Homestead] Turning of the Tide

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  • From: "Jeanne Driese" <jeanne13 AT>
  • To: <homestead AT>
  • Subject: [Homestead] Turning of the Tide
  • Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 09:07:13 -0500

A very dear friend of mine sent this to me. It impressed me very much as a
way to see our fears and how to address them. No answers are asked of any of
you, just thought it was worth reading in light of all our discussions about
the situation in the world today. Your ideas and thoughts would be very
interesting to hear. Remember the delete key works very well if anyone
thinks it is offensive. It is long, and very well may be much more than you
want to think about!
No matter what your responses might or might not be I would like to read them!
North East TN zone 6
----- Original Message -----
A message from Kuthumi, channelled by Michelle Eloff.
Sunday, 2 November, 2008 in South Africa.

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to greet
each of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of focus,
nurturing, understanding and divine wisdom. Greetings beloved ones. And it
is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of
you upon this day, as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and
securely upon the hands of God.

Beloved ones this key date activation for the 11th of the 11th 2008 is a very
important one. This is a time of the turning of the tide. You find yourself
within a place where everything around you is in the state of constant
change, it appears as if nothing is guaranteed other than change, however,
this perceived turmoil, chaos and fall is vital in order for all of you to
move forward.

The reason why this key date is so important is because between the 11th and
13th of November, the doorways and all the access points that the Dark Lord
has used to gain entry to the world will be sealed. Now the world I speak of
is the world of the fluid energy, the fluid paradigm. The time of darkness is
coming to a close and in this case you are ending the journey through the
Dark Age, which we refer to as the age of ignorance. The Piscean Age was very
much that, the time where everyone expected to be told what to do, how to do
it and when to do it, now you are entering the Aquarian Age. This is the time
of reclaiming your power and stepping into the knowingness of who you are and
what your truth is. With these portals being sealed you are released into a
new time-line; a new experience of what the Aquarian energy is all about.

Between the 11th and 13th it will feel as if a great part of you is
disconnected, perhaps even you may sense or feel some kind of disruption
within yourself. During those three days the process that will be activated
by us to disable the access points will require stillness, and the three days
of stillness is the time where you journey within into the place of yourself,
and you will be shown some of your own strengths and the wisdom that lies
within you. Your mind will undergo a powerful release of the old paradigm and
the shift that shall take place will literally lift you from one place and
place you within a new one, therefore, we suggest that during these three
days you spend time focusing on that which nurtures you, on that which brings
about balance and support in your life. Focus on the inner qualities that
allow this to unfold. You will also find that unsupportive and ignorant
belief systems will surface, however, they will not hang around for very long
because of the presence of support you will be experiencing. On the 11th,
12th you will have within your midst the energies of myself, Lord Kuthumi.
The entire Elohim will be focusing on this grand time of change, you will
experience how the portals within yourself through which darkness accessed
your greatest fears will close, and you will find that the realisation of
what fear is all about coming to the fore. It is vital that you truly
understand the illusion that lies within, beneath, above, before, behind and
to each side of fear. There is a big difference between natural survival
instinct and fabricated fears.

We have given a tremendous amount of information over the past few weeks
regarding working with those aspects of yourself. Do not push these aside as
unimportant, and if you feel you are in a very strong place in your life with
very little fears, it does not mean that you will not benefit from that which
we have transmitted already. This gateway that is opening from the 13th of
November is bringing in all the energies of light. The Gods and Goddesses,
Lords and Ladies of light step into the realm of the Fluid Universe and
penetrate the twelve point chakra system within the open heart of every
willing soul, and by this we mean the willing souls who are ready to fully
face themselves, completely reclaim their power and be confident about their
mission to move forward.

>From the 13th of November the energies change completely, a completely new
>signature will slowly be integrated into the DNA of your body. That
>integration process will take place from the 13th to the 21st of November,
>during that time you will find yourself simply dropping that which you deem
>no longer an important part of your life, your process, your thoughts, your
>attitudes and your beliefs. It is not something to fear, it will unfold with
>grace and ease. This is one of the most magical times of your year and is
>vital in the next phase of your preparation for 21/12/2008.

Some of you are already aware of the fact that a number of us, the Ascended
Masters, are moving into a much higher vibration as a result of our own
progress, and we have been granted permission to bring those of you who are
ready with us, not into the same realm, but you are being lifted into a
higher realm than you have been in before. However, it requires an enormous
amount of responsibility of the self, self awareness, self love and self
acceptance, for now you are being groomed to emerge as the true beacons of
light of the Golden Age.

>From the 21st of December 2008 to the 11th of October 2011 your life path,
>your life mission and your purpose, if you want to call it that, will take
>on a whole new meaning, it will explode open like the blossom greeting the
>first rays of the sun and this is when you will understand why we have been
>so emphatic regarding mastering the self by accepting self, loving self and
>taking full responsibility for the self, because this is where everything
>that you have learnt must be applied. In this new realm there is no room for
>the lower frequency human behaviour, you are emerging as a more enlightened
>human being and you create the new patterns. It is your destiny to do this,
>which is why you are doing this today.

Today's transmission is a little different to what we usually do and what we
want you to do are certain exercises, which make up the complete picture of
what we are creating. The very first thing you are to do is take as much time
as you need to write down absolutely every regret you have ever had and have
in your life. Write down every fear and negative belief system you have about
yourself, about your health, relationships, money, family, your abilities and
creativity (a minimum of four under each of those headings). Once you have
done this you are then to set those pages aside and imagine yourself as God
or Goddess looking down upon you from the midst of the Cosmos, from the
realms of pure divine light and love. Take a few minutes to breathe this
essence into your body and do not begin the next exercise until you feel the
immensity of this power and of this light inside of you. Once you feel it I
want you then to write down every pearl of wisdom you can see from the God
mind and the Goddess mind that you have gained as a result of your life
experiences. I want you to write down every hope, every dream and every joy
that you have experienced in your life and then I want you to write a letter
to yourself from God/Goddess. In that space God and Goddess will channel
through to you. If you find your mind trying to distract you, stop, take a
deep breath in, relax and affirm "I am God, I am Goddess", and repeat it like
a mantra for as long as you need until that strong feeling is back again and
continue to write. Only stop when you feel everything has been said. Do not
analyse the process, do not stop and think about what you are writing let it
flow, if there is a judgement that arises while you are writing, stop,
breathe in deeply and do your mantras again and continue.

This exercise challenges the old paradigm self to respectfully step down from
the podium of ruling your life and to relinquish control to the higher aspect
of the human self you are becoming. This is one of the most important
exercises you will do for yourself at this time. The purpose behind this
exercise is to support the closing down of those access points that the
darkness has used to access your fear.. You can only release it when you see
what you have lived by in relation to your fears, your beliefs and attitudes
about yourself. Your regrets become triggers that motivate you and your
behaviour, which often manifests as compromise, self sabotage and self
wounding, saying yes when you mean no and vice versa. All of your fears, when
you see what those fears are and you remember my words at the beginning
saying to you that everything within fear, above it, beneath it, before it,
behind it and to either side of it is illusion, you begin to grasp the fact
that the higher wise human has within its essence the ability and the tools
to transmute all of that. This is one of your major initiations and "tests"
so to speak as an alchemist. The alchemist must transform his or her own life
before they can truly practice alchemy with others.

The alchemical process is the opening of the crystal heart, that place inside
of you that contains the pure essence of the God and the Goddess, two divine
expressions of one self. The letter that the God and Goddess are giving to
you contains truth, your challenge with this is to accept the truth about
yourself. Most people have difficulty with this because they and you have
built your identities on the false beliefs and fears of your past, you have
adopted them as truth whether you can prove it or not, whether it is real or
not and you have said this is who I am. I have one question for you: are you
still willing to live your life motivated by the fearful and judgemental
projections of the external world, or, are you ready to be your authentic

The ego will challenge what God and Goddess have said to you but that is not
your problem, your focus is on integrating this light and this exercise is
part of your journey out of the age of darkness, the age of ignorance and
into the new realm of liquid light. It is this light that now forms a kind of
wall behind you like a support structure and it is this liquid light that you
can lean on and trust that it will carry you and move you forward, its energy
is infinite and ever present.

This particular exercise will help you to understand and gain clarity, the
understanding of what has motivated you throughout your life and the clarity
inside of you that those motivations have not been who you really are. Not
only does this exercise prepare you for the second ascension wave but it also
adds to the foundation of your new world, which we have called the Promise of
New Life.

Lady Nada will assist you with this for she is the overlighting being
alongside me for these energies of the Promise of New Life. You will be shown
in many ways the importance of utilising the pearls of wisdom you have
gained, the importance of tapping into your source of joy, of gratitude and
the ability to believe in your hopes, your dreams and your wishes without
attaching yourself to outcomes or placing limitation by expecting something
specific to unfold. You place your dream within the liquid of this liquid
love and trust that where you are will take you to where you need to be in a
most beautiful, miraculous, sometimes even magical and always graceful way.

Your experiences are changing beyond your wildest imaginings. You are now
penetrating a hymen of sorts. It is this new world that will show you that
all the teachings you have been following have always been preparing you for
that moment. You will also realise that the inhibiting qualities of the
ignorant human being was unable to and is unable to comprehend what lies
beyond this hymen. We use the word hymen specifically because it is virgin
territory that you are entering, and this hymen only you can penetrate
because it is a world that has been created by you, with you and for you.
There are billions of others that are working with a similar template but
there is only one unique entry point for each of you, but the old access
points must be securely sealed in order for you to penetrate this "virgin

You will see how important this journey has been for you. You will also begin
to realise how important all your challenges have been and I suggest that
once you have read, re-read and re-read the letter from God/Goddess again
that you sent to your self, then sit in gratitude for every challenge, for
every tear you have shed, for every moment that you wept, been wounded and
experienced pain and suffering, for it is all of that which has brought you
to where you are, and it is this combined energy of emotional, mental and
spiritual maturity that grants you access to the worlds of liquid light,
liquid love and fluid consciousness. You are entering a part of the Kingdom
of Heaven that you have never entered before. Master Jesus said that the
house of his father has many rooms. You are about to embark upon a journey
that guarantees you will never be the same again.

So, beloved ones, begin this exercise as soon as possible. I, Kuthumi, have
already activated the energy grid around you that will support you through
this time. We have also created a three-dimensional crystal heart around you,
within this crystal heart is your true essence. Your personal guides, your
doorkeeper guide, your healing angel and master teacher will be contained
within this crystal heart with you during this time, use it to create the
floor plan of that which you wish to plant, nurture, grow and harvest in this
new time-line. If it is at all possible begin this process immediately after
my transmission is completed and celebrate a new dawn within the new world of
liquid light.

Beloved ones, you have earned entry into this realm within the Kingdoms of
Heaven. This is the last phase of the cycle. Not too long ago I said it is
like running the final hundred metres, give it all you have and do not for a
moment doubt that you deserve anything less than the absolute best. Put your
heart, your soul, your spirit and your essence into this exercise and I
promise you, you won't regret it.

Be aware that the collective consciousness will be under added stress and
strain during these three days of transition. Fear may build in the
collective consciousness because the economic situation in your world will
become more strained and it is this strain that feeds the fear of the
collective, but you should know by now that the dark energy will hold on with
all its might and will make sure that as it goes down it will take as much as
it can with it, and I am sure you are not one of those things that plans on
going down with it, are you? (No) Very well.

Now the light, this liquid light, is very important because it will come
forward in some kind of physical manifestation as well. The liquid light
contains the liquid love, so liquid will play an important part in the
process, besides giving your body enough liquid, a minimum of two litres a
day, excluding any kind of beverage like coffee or any other beverage
containing caffeine because it dehydrates your body, therefore, water and any
other liquid is going to support this process all the way up until the 21st
of March 2009. The liquid light and liquid love is going to wash through all
those areas that contained the access points where the most traffic of
darkness existed. The Dark Lord, however, is being given an opportunity to
step into his light self/her light self and you will see many amazing
healings taking place. You will also see that the dichotomies of life are
incredibly humorous, and when you see and I mean truly see that life is in
fact just a game then, my precious ones, you are truly free.

Never forget that you are a master remembering your truth in human form and
absolutely nothing is stopping you from attaining full master consciousness
in a human form, nothing other than yourself! And so it is beloved ones that
I leave you with these words and urge you to carry this exercise out as much
as some of you don't want to, and if you find a hundred and one excuses why
not to do it then force yourself to do it, the more you don't want to do it
the more you need to do it. This exercise is my gift of liberation to you.

Know that we are ever present, always guiding, always supporting and always
protecting you and may all always be well in your world, in your journey, in
anchoring peace in your heart, your mind, your body, your spirit and soul.

I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom and I greet and
bless you in love. Adonai.

>From Clansgian AT Wed Nov 12 09:15:26 2008
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> >That is not a way to tackle the
> horrendous problems we face but maybe that is what the right wants so they
> can claim to be the solution in four years.

Welcome, Don, to the other side of the coin. For eight years any attempt at
serious discussion of the real probems facing the world have been met with an
endless tatoo of "Bush, Bush, Bush, look what Bush did, here are fifty more
links to something about how bad Bush is, Bush, Bush, Bush ......" All this
instead of actually talking about the problems.

Now the shoe is about to be on the other foot.


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