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homestead - Re: [Homestead] Serious diseases

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  • From: Jerry B <liberty AT>
  • To: homestead AT
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] Serious diseases
  • Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2008 14:12:28 -0400


Genes, virus, bacteria? More likely fried pies. The oils and refined carbohydrates and the resultant poisons produced by high heat are known to limit and change immune systems, even telomeres and genes. Most of these viruses and bacteria are prevalent everywhere, and within every body. It is the increased susceptibility to them that causes the problem, such as with stomach ulcers. Stress and inadequate nutrition makes some persons susceptible to the virus. Same with infection in arteries and veins which is now known to cause plaque build-ups.

I simply do not believe as you do about 'cure'. Another 'therapy' I have studied closely and have concluded is valid is the Max Gerson Cancer therapy which continues to have great results "curing" almost all forms of cancer, and all types with the same dietary program ... huge quantities of vegetable juices and a radically restricted diet, at least until healing occurs. The medical genius Albert Schweitzer refers to what Gerson's method did for both him and his wife as "cures". There are many well documented cases of persons who were brought to treatment centers with 'incurable' cancers, even on stretchers, with a prognosis of a few days at the most. After following the treatment plan they recovered and lived full lives thereafter, like twenty or thirty years. The bonus was that such diseases as arthritis, both rheumatoid and osteoporosus types, heart problems and many other diseases went into "remission" as well, and never returned. I don't imagine it was very important to such persons whether their new found heath was defined as 'cure' or 'remission'.

BTW, my wife and I were living in Pennsylvania at the time, not far from Princeton, New Jersey where Dr Furhman has his practice. He told my wife that if she chose to, she could enter the fasting clinic, but recommended trying the dietary measures first.

As I said, health is a very personal matter and choice. I am presently having to chose not to bring home bread, pasta, and even Bryer's Vanilla ice cream because of my high triglyceride levels... foods I still love and find hard to resist if they are before my eyes. I have unquestionably, to me, linked my bouts of atrial fibrillation to what I am eating daily, even though my elderly heart specialist snickers about it. I figure my health is my own responsibility, and luckily, I think we are so made that the body can indeed *cure* itself given what nature used to create it. Jerry B


Akka Homestead wrote:
Gene, this is long, so just go ahead and delete it.

First, I want to respond to Lynn's comments..
I don't know about the word 'cured', but I do believe that poor diets
cause genetic switches to activate positively or negatively. Sometimes
that might be reversible, sometimes not. In general, though, I think
diet is very important to healthy living; eating healthy prevents
problems for both adults and children. Oh, and Lynn, the latest thing I
read was that RA and other AI diseases might be caused by a virus or
bacteria-I believe it was a strep strain, can't remember.. Viruses are
like diets in that they, too, can flip genetic switches, perhaps
bacteria do as well.

Now, to Jerry,

Several years ago now, my wife "suddenly" began having excruciating joint attacts that two different doctors, after tests, diagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis. She became bed-ridden for days at a time.

There are a lot of different types of RA based on what allele you have
and whether or not you are RF+ or RF-, etc. etc.. Saying you have RA is
kind of like saying you have cancer, the prognosis is different
depending on what you have, so is the treatment.

specialists considered the condition 'incurable' but possible to live
with using steroids which they prescribed.

All RA is incurable. Steroids are the second tier treatment after
NSAIDS. It is horrible and archaic(IMO). I hated prednisone, with is
what they usually prescribe. They did nothing for me, except make me
gain weight which actually made my _osteo_arthritis flare up. I hate
oral steroids.

Instead, after reading his
book, my wife and I drove to New Jersy to see a Dr. Joel Furhman, a
MD who we have since learned is a mentor to Dr. Oz of Oprah Winfrey
fame. He has made a name and practice for himself curing rheumatoid
arthritis and other systematic conditions such as diabetis and severe
heart problems.

I've read the book _Fasting and Eating for Health_, by Fuhrman. To be
clear, he is not talking about a cure. There is no cure. He is talking
about remission. For some types of RA, remission is possible and diet
plays a bit part, for sure. His method of fasting is a jump start, and
the water is extremely important to flush the body and lubricate
connective tissue. I believe he calls it something like 'resetting the
immune response' or something. But even Fuhrman says that diet cannot
always reverse RA or the damage RA causes. His methods work best as a
preventative or at the latest when the disease first rears it's head,
but there is no guarantee.
Generally, though, I think he is on the right track. I know that I
crave blueberries and other high anti-oxidant foods and juices (cherry
juice is wonderful) and when I eat those foods, I do feel better, less
achey, more mentally clear. Whenever I eat a lot of dairy products, and
I do love my cheese, sour cream, and milk, I have to admit that I can
tell a difference as to the inflammation in my fingers and toes.
I'm impressed that you actually went to see this guy.

My wife followed closely the diet he wrote out for her, and took a
few supplements. Within a very few weeks, all symptoms were gone.
Actually they have never returned, which I attribute to the fact that
we still pretty much loosely follow his recomendations. In the
treatment stage it required being more strict to overcome the effects
of many years of other ways of eating and practice. The results for
my wife however began almost immediately.

I'm guessing that she fasted first..
I'm really glad that your wife's disease is in remission and that
dietary changes worked well for her. RA is no picnic. Some folks just
have a little stiffness that goes away after a few hours or with a
little exercise, hot shower, etc., and then some people have serious
organ complications. Since the mid 70's I had wanted RK/then Lasik
surgery to correct my extreme nearsightedness. When I finally got the
money to do it a few years ago, I learned that I was no longer a
candidate. I have RA generated scleritis.

Our next door neighbor also takes Enbrel, which has made his greatly
deformed hands bearable over the years he has used it.

Once RA creates a deformity, there is no going back. The deformity is
what happens when RA goes untreated, rather, unmodified. Steroids,
gold, methotrexate, none of that stuff stops the only treats
the inflammation and maybe reduces the pain. Biologics like Enbrel,
Remicade, Kineret, etc. actually modify the disease and send it into
remission. In just a few month's time, my pinky finger deformed. I
still have nodules in my elbows, knees, feet, and godonlyknows where
else, but I am in remission and I am good. I try to eat healthy because
I have a reduced immune system from the drug, and as long as I stay well
and don't get the flu or some kind of infection, I do well.

I think the
treatment costs are in the thousands of dollars each time it is administered. He is insured.

It is very expensive. I personally think it is being over-prescribed
now. When I first started taking it, I was the only 'prescribee' at my
pharmacy-they had to special order it for me. Now, according to the
pharmacist, he has about 25 customers on it. Of course, now, it is used
for more than is being used for psoriasis, and most recently I
heard that it improves Alzheimers.
It is not without risk. I have a higher rate of contracting cancer from
being on it. You probably think it is stupid, but after smoking for 27
years, increasing my cancer rate by a drug that allows me to walk and be
productive-improves my quality of life, is a no-brainer.

We gave him the book which he said he
read, and returned practically without comment. Being a retired
manager and butcher for the local supermarket, and pretty
conservative in his view of things, it came as no surprise to us.
Health and diet are among those very personal touchy subjects, but
sometimes in empathy with others, I do share what has worked for us.

That's true. Perhaps he felt that his disease had passed the point of
being helped by diet. I'm not sure that is possible, but maybe that is
what he thought.

Stay tuned...I'm working on my health questionnaire post. I think you
will find it interesting.

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