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freetds - Re: CygWin

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Subject: FreeTDS Development Group

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  • From: "Lowden, James K" <LowdenJK AT>
  • To: "'TDS Development Group'" <freetds AT>
  • Subject: Re: CygWin
  • Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2002 13:14:56 -0400

> From: Castellano, Nicholas [mailto:Nicholas_Castellano AT]
> Sent: October 15, 2002 12:41 PM
> Cygwin is a bletcherous piece of garbage...but that's beside
> the point as
> far as I'm concerned. Or, rather, it *is* the point -- I
> wanted to make
> sure that FreeTDS could work even on a system that's obviously an
> abomination against all of creation.
> But I have no intention of removing support for it, so I'm
> not sure why you
> are asking us to "keep" support for it, when I just added
> support for it


Do I detect hostility, or do I misread you?

I think all Sven was doing was thanking you by saying he thinks your trouble
was worthwhile. So do I, for basically the reasons you mention.

For the record, I assume we produce just static libs on cygwin, yes?

FWIW, I don't understand your opinion about cygwin. Cygwin gives you part
of a unix-like (or maybe linuxlike) userland over a Win32 kernel. I've used
it to run an XFree86 server -- not my favorite technology either -- on my NT
box, yielding not a few advantages. I think the fact that cygwin exists at
all, that it's even possible, is a testament to the GNU project: "Hey, look,
you can sell whatever proprietary kernel you like, and we'll *still* be able
to run our stuff." Don't you think that's a Good Thing?

OTOH if you take exception to the implementation and think it's a dog on two
legs, amazing that it walks at all, I guess I'd agree with you.

Calvin Trillin used to take folks down to Chinatown, where there was a
chicken that played tic-tac-toe. (Really!) The chicken defended pretty
well, but occasionally failed to seize advantages, which the person would
sometimes point out. And Calvin would have to remind them, "Yes, but it's a

Like that.


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