corpus-paul AT
Subject: Corpus-Paul
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- From: "Liz Fried" <lizfried AT>
- To: "Corpus-paul" <corpus-paul AT>
- Subject: RE: justification: a pre-Pauline doctrine?
- Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 12:35:16 -0400
> So I would have to guess that Paul received it from the Church,
> in which it
> existed from the beginning, and that he received it from Ananias who
> baptized him. [As well, righteousness by faith does seem to be the
> underlying thematic of the Psalms, which would make it a pre-Christian
> doctrine as well, would it not?]
> I apologize for my stumbling approach... I am very much a beginner...
Good beginning.
> George Blaisdell
> Roslyn, WA
Lisbeth S. Fried
Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies
New York University
51 Washington Sq. S.
New York, NY 10012
lqf9256 AT
lizfried AT
Re: justification: a pre-Pauline doctrine?
, (continued)
- Re: justification: a pre-Pauline doctrine?, Jeffrey B. Gibson, 06/17/1999
- Re: justification: a pre-Pauline doctrine?, Jeffrey B. Gibson, 06/17/1999
- Re: justification: a pre-Pauline doctrine?, Jon Peter, 06/17/1999
- RE: justification: a pre-Pauline doctrine?, Jon Peter, 06/18/1999
- RE: justification: a pre-Pauline doctrine?, Liz Fried, 06/18/1999
- justification: a pre-Pauline doctrine?, Jon Peter, 06/18/1999
- Re: justification: a pre-Pauline doctrine?, Jeff Peterson, 06/18/1999
- Justification: a pre-Pauline doctrine?, David C. Hindley, 06/20/1999
- Re: justification: a pre-Pauline doctrine?, Robert M Schacht, 06/22/1999
- Re: justification: a pre-Pauline doctrine?, George Blaisdell, 06/22/1999
- RE: justification: a pre-Pauline doctrine?, Liz Fried, 06/22/1999
- Re: justification: a pre-Pauline doctrine?, Jeffrey B. Gibson, 06/22/1999
- Re: justification: a pre-Pauline doctrine?, George Blaisdell, 06/23/1999
- Re: justification: a pre-Pauline doctrine?, Robert M Schacht, 06/23/1999
- RE: justification: a pre-Pauline doctrine?, Liz Fried, 06/23/1999
- Re: justification: a pre-Pauline doctrine?, Jeffrey B. Gibson, 06/24/1999
- Re: justification: a pre-Pauline doctrine?, George Blaisdell, 06/24/1999
- Re: justification: a pre-Pauline doctrine?, Jeffrey B. Gibson, 06/24/1999
- Re: justification: a pre-Pauline doctrine?, George Blaisdell, 06/24/1999
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