corpus-paul AT
Subject: Corpus-Paul
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- From: "Maggie Hoop" <maggie.l.hoop AT>
- To: corpus-paul
- Subject: Romans 16:7
- Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 16:7:18
I'm a graduate student working on a Romans 16:7 : "...Andronicus and
Junia...prominent among the apostles..."
I'm working from the assumptions that Junia is female and that she is
called an 'apostle' by Paul.
I'm wondering if 'apostle' when applied to a female means the same thing as
'apostle' when applied to a man.
Schussler-Fiorenza and Brooten argue that since a woman is fully capable of
maintaining the office of apostle as Paul defines it, we should assume that
Junia did the same work as Andronicus. Other scholars argue that even if
Paul applied the term 'apostle' to a female, it had a different meaning
because a female was not highly regarded enough within the early xn
community to hold the responsibilities of apostleship.
Any discussions, opinions, or references would be most helpful.
Thank you,
Maggie Hoop
maggie.l.hoop AT
Re: Romans 16:7,
Jonathan Robie, 03/28/1999
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Romans 16:7, John Reece, 03/28/1999
- Re: Romans 16:7, Jeffrey B. Gibson, 03/28/1999
- Re: Romans 16:7, atombomb AT, 03/28/1999
- Re: Romans 16:7, Peter Richardson, 03/28/1999
- Re: Romans 16:7, John C. Hurd, 03/28/1999
- Re: Romans 16:7, FucciXXV, 03/28/1999
- Romans 16:7, Maggie Hoop, 01/30/2024
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