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Re: [SM-Sorcery] wget .so dependencies (possibly global problem)
- From: Eric Sandall <eric AT>
- To: SourceMage Sorcery List <sm-sorcery AT>
- Subject: Re: [SM-Sorcery] wget .so dependencies (possibly global problem)
- Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 08:34:14 -0800
Quoting Eric Schabell <eschabell AT>:
> We hopefully will remain a KISS distro...
That will always be our main theme, but that doesn't mean that we cannot also
make things robust. We just have to figure out how while keeping to the main
objective: KISS.
PGP Key Fingerprint: FCFF 26A1 BE21 08F4 BB91 FAED 1D7B 7D74 A8EF DD61
Version: 3.12
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Eric Sandall | Source Mage GNU/Linux Developer
eric AT | | SysAdmin @ Inst. Shock Physics @ WSU #196285 |
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Re: [SM-Sorcery] wget .so dependencies (possibly global problem)
, (continued)
- Re: [SM-Sorcery] wget .so dependencies (possibly global problem), Paul, 02/04/2004
- Re: [SM-Sorcery] wget .so dependencies (possibly global problem), Ondra Tomecka, 02/04/2004
- Re: [SM-Sorcery] wget .so dependencies (possibly global problem), Eric Schabell, 02/05/2004
- Re: [SM-Sorcery] wget .so dependencies (possibly global problem), Jeremy Kolb, 02/05/2004
- Re: [SM-Sorcery] wget .so dependencies (possibly global problem), Andrew, 02/05/2004
- Re: [SM-Sorcery] wget .so dependencies (possibly global problem), Hamish Greig, 02/05/2004
- Re: [SM-Sorcery] wget .so dependencies (possibly global problem), Ondra Tomecka, 02/05/2004
- Re: [SM-Sorcery] wget .so dependencies (possibly global problem), Casey Harkins, 02/05/2004
- Re: [SM-Sorcery] wget .so dependencies (possibly global problem), Eric Sandall, 02/05/2004
- Re: [SM-Sorcery] wget .so dependencies (possibly global problem), Eric Schabell, 02/05/2004
- Re: [SM-Sorcery] wget .so dependencies (possibly global problem), Eric Sandall, 02/05/2004
- Re: [SM-Sorcery] wget .so dependencies (possibly global problem), Eric Sandall, 02/04/2004
- Re: [SM-Sorcery] wget .so dependencies (possibly global problem), Ondra Tomecka, 02/04/2004
Re: [SM-Sorcery] wget .so dependencies (possibly global problem),
Paul, 02/04/2004
Re: [SM-Sorcery] wget .so dependencies (possibly global problem),
Eric Sandall, 02/04/2004
Re: [SM-Sorcery] wget .so dependencies (possibly global problem),
Eric Schabell, 02/05/2004
- Re: [SM-Sorcery] wget .so dependencies (possibly global problem), Eric Sandall, 02/05/2004
Re: [SM-Sorcery] wget .so dependencies (possibly global problem),
Eric Schabell, 02/05/2004
Re: [SM-Sorcery] wget .so dependencies (possibly global problem),
Eric Sandall, 02/04/2004
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