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sm-sorcery - Re: [SM-Sorcery] wget .so dependencies (possibly global problem)

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  • From: Paul <dufflebunk AT>
  • To: SourceMage Sorcery List <sm-sorcery AT>
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Sorcery] wget .so dependencies (possibly global problem)
  • Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2004 11:29:49 -0500

If such checking was added, then it would be applied automaticaly by
sorcery to all spells. No sense in having 1500 spells with the same
triggers. Version stuff is not easy to do reliably, but if we were anal
and only did this for spells that have version <int>.<int>.<int> it
would simplify the matter. It would add an extra step to dependancy
gathering, and is pretty much useless without the full ordering that I'm
working on. The full ordering is getting close, but has a problem with
provides... it's not something that's going to make it into stable (or
devel for that matter) sorcery this close to SMGL 1.0 until it is well

On Wed, 2004-02-04 at 11:21, Eric Sandall wrote:
> I had that problem to, so I added a trigger for wget to recompile whenever
> gettext is compiled, but then on another machine it had no problems, so I
> removed the trigger, then again on a third machine I had the problem again,
> so
> the trigger is back in.
> A better way would be to create a major_version_change trigger function in
> Sorcery, which would be used thus:
> wget/TRIGGERS:
> major_version_change gettext cast_self
> This would compare the version of gettext that just installed to the first
> two
> places (0.14 here) and the old one (0.13), and if they are different, then
> activate the trigger.
> We'd then just need to add this trigger to all spells, or better yet, have
> this
> trigger automatically applied by Sorcery using the packages defined in
> as what could trigger the cast_self.
> Thoughts?
> -sandalle
De mortuis nihil nisi bonum.

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