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sm-sorcery - Re: [SM-Sorcery]latest sorcery not working.

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Subject: Discussion of Sorcery related topics

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Chronological Thread  
  • From: Eric Schabell <eschabell AT>
  • To: Nick Jennings <nkj AT>, Sergey A Lipnevich <sergeyli AT>
  • Cc: Ryan Abrams <rabrams AT>, sm-sorcery AT
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Sorcery]latest sorcery not working.
  • Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 10:45:08 +0200

> On Thursday October 10 2002 20:07, Nick Jennings wrote:
> Well we aren't going to get into the business of hourly (or close to
> hourly) CVS tarball. The main reason being that the CVS repository
> can get broken sometimes in the middle of the day. I try to make a
> concious effort to stabilize my work before the nightly tarball is
> created (not that it always helps).
I was under the impression that correct usage of a repository was only to
commit your code once it works... we always had a running rule in my
commercial programming projects that a programmer that commits code
containing (later detected) bug(s), was required to buy every project member
a cake for the coffee breaks.... maybe an idea? Or are you afraid... ;-)

* drs. Eric Schabell
* web:
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* nick -> erics

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