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sm-discuss - Re: [SM-Discuss] libpng, xorg-modular, and GCC

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  • From: flux <flux AT>
  • To: sm-discuss AT
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Discuss] libpng, xorg-modular, and GCC
  • Date: Tue, 17 May 2011 18:09:49 +0900

David Kowis (dkowis AT wrote [11.05.17 03:54]:
> Priorities change. People want different things than they used to. We
> need to automate testing, so that the manual labor is removed. Those
> kinds of things make it really difficult for me to use SMGL for
> everything. I cannot update my box once a month, because it often
> results in several hours of me fixing things. I don't have time for that
> anymore. That's the simple truth.
> I think we need to split up grimoires, have a core grimoire that we
> slowly build tests into, and we have a defined testing process, as
> automated as possible, to ensure that every bit of software in that core
> grimoire is stable. Obviously, that will be released far slower, but I
> think it's a really good idea.

I agree with a lot of what David wrote, but I'd just like to add a
little to these points here specifically. I think that regardless of
whether grimoires are split, we really need a clearly defined testing
process. Not only that, but if we can also communicate what has been
tested and what the results were, people will be less "afraid" to update
to newer versions. They'll have a better way of judging if the update
will break their box, and if they don't really have the time to deal
with such breakage they can better evaluate whether to try it. It would
also give newer people who want to help out a better presentation of
where they could best contribute.

In other words, having a clearly defined test process will potentially
encourage more people to test, in addition to making the tests
themselves more effective.

As a final word, I'd just like to point out that I'm not throwing this
at the grimoire -- this is something that stands to be improved

Justin "flux_control" Boffemmyer
Cauldron wizard and general mage
Source Mage GNU/Linux

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