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sm-discuss - Re: [SM-Discuss] GTK+2 UPDATE REVERTED

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  • From: Jaka Kranjc <smgl AT>
  • To: sm-discuss AT
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Discuss] GTK+2 UPDATE REVERTED
  • Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 18:41:30 +0200

On Wednesday 10 of September 2008 16:58:47 Vlad Glagolev wrote:
> > - not everyone is affected, so the severity is not that CRITICAL
> I'm not sure. Cause it depends on videocard, gtk+2 and xorg versions. So in
> life the situations where everyone or nobody is affected are very rare. But
> as I said I don't wanna see the users asking why theirs screen flickers
> (even 3, 2 or less). We must take care about EVERY user, not the most. This
> is a policy taken not only in IT. I've researched the problem.
The point is that it doesn't affect everyone. First there's the chunk of
that don't use gtk apps, then there's the fact that even for some with
everything you say is needed it does work just dandy (like for me and

And I disagree that less than a handful of users with issues (so far for us
this is only you) should dictate the flow for the rest. This isn't a glibc or
gcc breakage.

> > - in your own words, most users use stable, so we should just make sure
> > this is reverted in stable-rcs (until fixed), while test should stay
> > updated
> If the problem isn't solved by the original devs and it still occurs --
> then test shouldn't stay updated. Yes, there are users which stay with
> test. Yes, test is for testing. YES. BUT IT MUST STAY USABLE (a.k.a. not
> broken).
It is only partly broken and only for some. And even for those there are
workarounds (don't start apps, don't use gtk, start everything with x, start
less, ...).

> > - if it is really such a huge problem, I'm sure the respective developers
> > will fix it in short time
> You sure? Hah! Let's see the stats. Problem occured in the beginning of
> July (as reported; or, even earlier: 2.13.0 released on February 21).
> That's about GTK+2 branch 2.13. And what do we see? Today's 10 Spetember
> 2008. And what do we
> see? Just a quote from
That is just the default status, it wasn't reset on purpose:

> So, I repeat. The problem isn't trivial, it's very complex.
Who said it was trivial? Who said the mentioned fix is the only way to go
besides using older gtk? It doesn't have to be fixed properly as suggested,
since that will take months for sure.

The problem isn't in question here, but its significance and especially the
way we should be handling it.

We cannot command nature except by obeying her. --Sir Francis Bacon
Have a sourcerous day!

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