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sm-discuss - Re: [SM-Discuss] Cross-Building - why not do a Cross-Build meta-spell ?

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  • From: "Jose Bernardo Silva" <jbs AT>
  • To: Belxjander AT, sm-discuss AT
  • Cc:
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Discuss] Cross-Building - why not do a Cross-Build meta-spell ?
  • Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2003 16:39:07 +0000

On Sat, 06 Sep 2003 02:34:17 +1300, Belxjander Serechai wrote
> Hello Everyone...
> Ive done a small piece of scripting towards doing a whole
> binutils / gcc bootstrap / glibc / gcc full compiler setup
> and so far I have had the first two parts working but the second
> two refuse to complete fully...
> all the spell needs is basic information about each ARCH option
> in a folder within itself... and the user can select what ARCH options
> and then the spell need only loop with cross-compilation casting
> the appropriate items into /opt/cross-build/<arch>
> then build for target native into /opt/cross-compiled/<arch>
> I do see one sticking point in when /opt is not seperated out...
> as I have / /usr /var /home partitioning with only 512MB total
> for the / partition...
> I have also adapted in the m68k-amiga GCC toolchain as that only comes
> as pre-compiled binaries... it may be simpler to have a grimoire aside
> specifically for cross-development so not to overload the spells
> and make use of the facilities already existing in sorcery for
> recompilation of gcc on glibc by arch being cast...
> things like that
> Anyway that is a couple of ideas...
> Regards
> Jeremy Sutherland (Belxjander on / #SourceMage)


Please post your spell - even not working yet, it sounds like a good starting
point. What I'd change in it would be to get the spell to use the sorcery
arch information (and maybe expand this info if not enough) as well as
enabling the cross-compile options.

As for a specific cross-compile grimoire, we could also put in it spells that
need heavy changes to be able to cross-compile, as well as spells that are of
use only to cross-compiles (as you xgcc toolchain is). As for the other
spells... Well, I don't think w0rf would mind adding the patches for the
different architectures to his kernel patches collection, and I think that
all spells that need that kind of treatment would benefit from the same
technique w0rf uses.

Well, go to leave for the weekend - and since I have one marriage to attend
to, no free time this weekend for me...

Jose Bernardo B R Silva | Source Mage GNU/Linux Section Guru
jbernardo AT | #245602
jbs AT

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