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Re: [permaculture] National convergence- keep it rolling
- From: Cory Brennan <>
- To: permaculture <>
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] National convergence- keep it rolling
- Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2012 15:12:06 -0700 (PDT)
I agree with your thoughts, Loren. Whether it ends up at Pine Ridge or not,
it certainly is a harsh, challenging environment and I could certainly use
some help up there! They are reaching for permaculture! And we could put
compost toilets, compost showers, compost anything, natural building anywhere
we want where the people were ok with it. I would strongly suggest an early
contigent go out to ensure it is done. There are 4-5 or more (separate
tiospaye) locations that would house people/host, etc. I'm pretty sure we
could access the Lakota College or other school there for lectures, etc.
I am ok with doing it anywhere though, too. I feel that if we decide before
hand on some specific targets we'd like to achieve, and some parameters to
achieve them, it is more likely to occur. I see many, many advantages to at
least having a national conversation about all this. I would love to see
permaculture moving forward faster than it is, and I see how a national
organization could hold the line to some degree on people's fears that
mainstream will water it down.
Koreen Brennan
From: loren luyendyk <>
To: Permaculture Listserve <>
Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2012 1:49 PM
Subject: Re: [permaculture] National convergence- keep it rolling
Lets keep the ball rolling on this one, I would love to figure this out and
come to a satisfactory compromise as to the location and format of a
convergence. I hope that the elders of the movement on this list will chime
in at some point to let us know if there are plans for this, or what!?!
Bob- when I said it is your karma what method of travel you choose, I meat
that you (individual) will be the one who has to deal with your choice.
There are many low-carbon ways to transport ourselves these days, so I don't
think this is much of an issue if this is important to you. However, I do
agree that we should design the convergence with low-carbon transport in
mind, like near a bus route or offer rideshares on a llama cart.
Koreen- Indeed we should work from zone 1 on out, zone 5 being the national
gathering. There have been many successful regional gatherings that could
instruct how to go about setting up a national. We can build on the
I was just at the Australasian Convergence in NZ (APC11) in April, and it was
a great success in my mind. For one it was held in conjunction with the
local indigenous Maori iwi (tribe) as hosts. This was very powerful, as they
have been the caretakers of the land for much longer than our group, and they
welcomed us and blessed the gathering in a powerful ceremony.
This convergence was a mix of face-to-face and web-based. As expected, the
web based part suffered from poor connectivity and hence poor quality of
interaction. The most powerful moments were those shared by folks on site,
and we had 6 break-out sessions occurring at all times (perhaps too much as I
was torn between so may good presentations). My one comment was that it was
too short- we didn't have time to do a hands-on project. Also the site
(school) was a bit restrictive with this in mind, mainly because of the
groundskeeper had to be convinced that our project was not going to take all
his time to maintain.
Koreen- I personnaly feel a reservation (Pine Ridge) could be a great place
to host a national, for one the tribes have certain sovereignty (exemption)
when it comes to actual on the ground projects that may not be allowed by
codes in incorporated areas, ie composting toilets. The other is that it
could help to heal Gaia and some deep wounds for us all- not to mentions the
obvious critical need for this kind of work in these areas. Also I think the
lack of resources and extreme climate will challenge us as designers to come
up with simple and effective solutions.
I envision a gathering happening every 2 years, like the internationals,
maybe alternating with the IPC so we can fit them all in and have only one
gathering a year to make time for. I also vision picking a site and
returning to it, so that we can add more layers of functionality to the site
year to year. This may or may not be desirable, as I imagine other folks may
want that energy of 100's of permies on their site too once it gets rolling.
There may be great advantages to having a "national association of
permaculture practitioners" for "the movement", one for us as practitioners,
and obviously the benefit of learning from each other towards the goal of
regenerating Gaia. I see the movement benefiting in a way that other
professional organizations offer benefits, like group certifications and
registration, offering accreditation for curriculums, teaching, and other
services, membership in an org that can promote our work and create working
groups, and maybe even group liability insurance (what a concept)!?! If we
model it after associations like the Contractors Association or Association
of Architects we will create more clout with the ultimate goal of getting the
big jobs that can affect real change, like regional watershed management and
regeneration projects.
PEACE in PErmACulturE
Loren Luyendyk
Permaculture Design and Education
ISA Certified Arborist #WE-7805A
> Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2012 00:58:18 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [permaculture] National convergence
> To me, it is a given that people would coordinate regionally to put on a
> national conference. That is the most permaculture way that the energies
> could be manifested for such a conference.
> I would welcome the opportunity to meet people I've come to know on line
> but have never seen in person. It is much easier to establish real
> relationships and beneficial connection face to face and to get planning
> done.
> I see a need for national level organization - I don't see a need for one
> single "council" or a small group to dictate what everyone else is going to
> do. I don't think that is practical or desirable. I think the main thing a
> national conference could accomplish is some exchange of successful
> actions, and planning on how we can get permaculture more broadly and
> deeply implemented, for the good of the planet. That puts the conversation
> out of the realm of ego and into the realm of what all of us need and want.
> There are things that we can do at a national level that are harder to do
> at regional levels, though what is being done regionally could definitely
> inform how we approach things nationally. I know there are a number of
> successful actions being done regionally, and it would be really useful for
> some of us in pioneer territory to hear about them, and maybe even get some
> support in taking things to the next level (and Florida IS a place for
> tough pioneer plants, permaculturally).
> I see every advantage and no disadvantages to working more closely together
> and finding more pathways to support one another in getting the
> permaculture word out there.
> Koreen
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> Avant Geared
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Avant Geared
>From Mon Jul 23 18:14:04 2012
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Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2012 15:13:59 -0700 (PDT)
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Yes, well said, very, very real stuff!
Koreen Brennan
From: venaurafarm <>
To: permaculture <>
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2012 6:11 PM
Subject: Re: [permaculture] Permaculture standards.
On 7/23/2012 5:58 PM, Cory Brennan wrote:
> If people walk away from a permaculture class with one concept - true
> cost accounting, life cycle analysis, whatever you want to call it,
> they are going to have a harder time justifying their destructive
> lifestyles. Many of us went through that curve. The more REAL data
> that gets out there, the better. It impinges.
Well said, Koreen. Thumbs up to that. Classic.
> Yes, some people will
> twist it, they won't get it, they will try to "sell" it. But we just
> keep the focus and keep putting out fundamental truths, and that sort
> of thing impinges. The alternative is to keep peramculture a secret
> that isn't going to get used at all in any form whatever, by the
> majority of the people on the planet, right?
Is that the woo-woo thing :-) Of all the "modern", new age, alternative
movements, real, from the ground up permaculture is the least woo woo.
> Koreen Brennan
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Avant Geared
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Hey folks,
Just a little update and breakdown on the survey responses so
A lot of folks have been curious about when the results of this survey will
be made available which is great. I want to reiterate that we are still
in the first few days of a 2 year project. Im excited to develop and share
preliminary analyses well before the end of the project, but there are more
than a couple steps in between now and then. The survey itself will be up
and running for another several months. (Hint, hint.)
That being said,
a snapshot of a the first week of the survey. Im sharing a geographic
breakdown right now, just because its too soon to dive into more in-depth
analysis. I will soon be sharing some other early results of systematic
literature analysis or bibliometrics that went into my proposal
dissertation so stay tuned. <>, - featuring pretty
Rafter Sass Ferguson, MS
Doctoral Student | Crop Sciences Department
University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign
518 567 7407
[permaculture] National convergence,
Cory Brennan, 07/18/2012
Re: [permaculture] National convergence- keep it rolling,
loren luyendyk, 07/22/2012
Re: [permaculture] National convergence- keep it rolling,
Bob Waldrop, 07/23/2012
Re: [permaculture] National convergence- keep it rolling,
Rhonda Baird, 07/23/2012
- Re: [permaculture] National convergence- keep it rolling, Bob Waldrop, 07/24/2012
Re: [permaculture] National convergence- keep it rolling,
Rhonda Baird, 07/23/2012
- Re: [permaculture] National convergence- keep it rolling, Cory Brennan, 07/23/2012
Re: [permaculture] National convergence- keep it rolling,
Bob Waldrop, 07/23/2012
Re: [permaculture] National convergence- keep it rolling,
loren luyendyk, 07/22/2012
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