Subject: permaculture
List archive
- From:
- To:
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] where you from?
- Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2002 20:00:21 -0400
I have 40 acres near Mountainair, New.Mexico in the middle of the state. The
elevation I believe is about 6,500 - lots of rocky soil, pinyon, juniper,
cedar, cactus. I'm building a passive solar house which is a work in
progess and is off grid. My friend is an excontractor and he has been helping
me build this place little by little mostly by ourselves for 6 yrs. So far
I have planted a wildflower garden and fruit trees but really need to work on
keeping more water on my land. In the spring I plan on working on a
greywater/runoff pond, getting some chickens and goats and expanding my
planting area.
Marilyn Conway
Re: [permaculture] where you from?,
Watchfrog, 10/25/2002
- Re: [permaculture] where you from?, Ute Bohnsack, 10/27/2002
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
Re: [permaculture] where you from?,
permed, 10/25/2002
- Re: [permaculture] where you from + request for GMO info., Felicity Wright, 10/27/2002
- Fw: [permaculture] where you from?, Graham Burnett, 10/26/2002
- Re: [permaculture] where you from?, CHINAGRVE, 10/26/2002
Re: [permaculture] where you from?,
Jerome Osentowski, 10/28/2002
- Re: [permaculture] where you from?, mIEKAL aND, 10/28/2002
- Re: [permaculture] where you from?, Lawrence F. London, Jr., 10/28/2002
- RE: [permaculture] where you from?, Scott Hitchins, 10/28/2002
[permaculture] where you from?,
Rollens, 10/29/2002
- Re: [permaculture] where you from?, keith Johnson, 10/29/2002
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