Subject: permaculture
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- From: Marsha Hanzi <>
- To: permaculture <>
- Cc: Permaculture International Journal <>
- Subject: Let's continue a global directory on-line...
- Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 06:33:03 -0300
A directory, once printed, is already out of date , so an online directory
makes more
sense.. I can understand that maybe they don't want the extra work without
some sort
of remuneration-- maybe the directory will have to be made somewhere else by
else... That seems pretty much a job in itself...
Bahia, Brazil
April Sampson-Kelly escreveu:
> I rang the institute last friday as i had the same troubles myself -
> many people ask me for help and i usually direct then to the global
> directory.
> Rachael returned my call on Monday.
> she said there should be a page that comes up and tells you they will be off
> line until
> 2000!!!
> she also told me that the Institute is UNLIKELY to publish the Global
> directory
> on line as it prefers to sell hard copies.
> this is not in line with fair share and share of surplus as far as i am
> concerned.
> People like me offer our addresses free of charge. These people are
> prepared to be
> telephoned, emailed, visited etc. We do a lot of voluntary work for
> permaculture.
> The proposal to make the global directory accessable only on print and add
> the costs of postage PLUS
> the delay of delivery, will make it impossible for many enquirers.
> Many people may actually pay the $15 plus postage, wait for delivery to find
> it has NO addresses in their locality.
> I have offered to share my webspace. any other suggestions welcomed at this
> point.
> I can do nothing more from here.
> If you too think it is unfair - email them.
> I have built up a very successful Permaculture teaching program through
> shear generosity. Generosity pays.
> April
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Lawrence F. London, Jr. []
> > Sent: Monday, 26 July 1999 8:46
> > To: permaculture
> > Subject: Re: Need Website address for Permaculture International
> >
> >
> > On Mon, 26 Jul 1999 08:31:06 +0930, "Wesley Trotman"
> > <> wrote:
> >
> > >Hmm I think they had some trouble in keeping it going, their email is
> > > Try surfing around in, they
> > may have it.
> > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> > [Marsha: You might try this email ID. LL]
> >
> > >Regaards
> > >Wes. Trotman
> >
> > >Lawrence F. London, Jr. <> wrote in message
> > >
> > >> Anyone know where Permaculture International is?
> > >> I thought I saw someone post their URL recently in this newsgroup.
> > >> The URL I have now doesn't work.
> >
> >
> > ---
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Let's continue a global directory on-line...,
Marsha Hanzi, 07/27/1999
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Marsha Hanzi, 07/27/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Permacltur, 07/27/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Permacltur, 07/27/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Marsha Hanzi, 07/27/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Marsha Hanzi, 07/27/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Permacltur, 07/27/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Permacltur, 07/27/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Thilo Pfennig, 07/28/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Thilo Pfennig, 07/28/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Thilo Pfennig, 07/28/1999
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