Subject: pcplantdb
List archive
Re: [pcplantdb] off topic: dehydrators, sustainability
- From: "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <lfl@intrex.net>
- To: pcplantdb@lists.ibiblio.org
- Subject: Re: [pcplantdb] off topic: dehydrators, sustainability
- Date: Sat, 24 Jul 2004 19:37:48 -0700
Chad Knepp wrote:
This is TOTALLY why we need a permaculture knowledge base kind of
thing. This is the kind of knowledge we should be sharing. I guess
we are except on mailing lists it just kind of gets lost to bit rot.
This is why I like the Wiki and Weblog concept. Quick and dirty and the data
is fairly portable.
With file uploads (in TikiWiki and PMWiki) it gets even better. Just a
temporary fix compared to a database - still
it becomes a repository for gleaned info submitted on the fly by busy people
who want to help build the pc knowledgebase.
From the previous message:
> Although I pasted a lot of old stuff in there I'm in favor of the NC
> clause. I think I probably made it rather confusing. The current
> proposal on the table is:
> Our project [HG] will license the code under the CC-GPL and the
> dataset under the CC-BY-NC-SA.
> It sounds like are more or less in favor of adopting the CC-BY-NC-SA
> license for the dataset. Am I correct?
Sounds good to me.
> I am assuming that the CC-GPL is also ok for the code base. Yes?
Wouldn't that be up to those who do the programming and also according to the
terms of any grant received
to fund that work.
> > I should probably have the new list created soon but need some
> > suggestions as to name. You should make plans to post to it and the
> > main PC forum frequently to keep the permaculture community
> > informed and elicit feedback.
> This is the need I was anticipating when I suggested creating a
> hg-tech/dev list. Already our emails are reaching a length, depth,
> and frequency that may decrease interest in this forum. I've been
> waiting for the flood of *unsubscribe* messages that usually come
> after bursts of list activity. I still am undecided about whether we
> really need it. I'm assuming John's issue tracker will mail to a
> non-general list.
I thought it might be a better idea to start a new list for the public and
use this one for
tech/dev since it has a lot of tech info in the message archives which would
be useful to refer to.
Since HG has not been formally announced in the pc list, timing that with the
startup of a new
list for them might work well. What do you think, shall I request something
like pcplantdb-public?
> So I will put out another proposal:
> The consensus decision making group of HG will consist of Steph,
> Rich, John, Lawrence, and Chad as well as Paula and Robin if they
> would like to participate this way.
And John Howe, if he has time and is willing?
> BTW: What's up with Robin Williamson? Haven't heard from him in a bit.
> > In answer to John's question, I will inquire whether Zope is
> > offered by ibiblio and if not could it be, maybe just for our
> > project in case they don't want to make it generally available to
> > other ibiblio content providers because of allleged maintenance
> > problems for their staff (don't know if this is still the case as
> > it may have been a long while ago). Do you need Bugzilla also?
> > John?
> I would be surprised if they didn't have already or couldn't do zope
> for us. If not, with enough quota and shell access we can do it
> ourselves.
They may already offer Zope, I will ask the admins at ibiblio about this and
Bugzilla and
post their reply. I assume you mean by quota, disk space. Plenty is
available. As for shell,
I am sure you would not feel limited by what is offered there. No root, of
I'll reply to other points in your last two messages later tonight,
especially about the knowledgebase concept
and how it relates to HG, now and in the future.
I have to get out in the garden and weed between the rows before the ragweed
engulfs the tomatoes and peppers.
I am using an indigenous Mexican (from Gurrerro area) tool, a
questionmark-shaped sickle/machete, info on which
(pictures, videos, blueprints, how it is made by a blacksmith) should go into
a knowledgebase - this goes for scythes, sickles, machetes,
camp and homestead knives from all indigenous cultures. Same for eyehoes,
same for traditional Japanese gardening tools.
A section of the database should be devoted to hand tools. For more on
handtools see:
I have updated info and new entries to add to this document.
Hey, a HG fundraiser: manufacture and market the hand notill drill - call it
the Fun-L-Plantr.
.... dirtfarmer out
Re: [pcplantdb] [re][synthesis]
, (continued)
Re: [pcplantdb] [re][synthesis],
John Schinnerer, 07/23/2004
Re: [pcplantdb] [re][synthesis],
Richard Morris, 07/24/2004
- Re: [pcplantdb] licenses, John Schinnerer, 07/25/2004
Re: [pcplantdb] [re][synthesis],
Richard Morris, 07/24/2004
Re: [pcplantdb] [re][synthesis],
Richard Morris, 07/22/2004
[pcplantdb] Re: milestones,
John Schinnerer, 07/23/2004
[pcplantdb] Re: milestones,
Chad Knepp, 07/23/2004
Re: [pcplantdb] Re: milestones,
Lawrence F. London, Jr., 07/23/2004
[pcplantdb] off topic: dehydrators, sustainability,
Chad Knepp, 07/24/2004
Re: [pcplantdb] off topic: dehydrators, sustainability,
Lawrence F. London, Jr., 07/24/2004
- Re: [pcplantdb] off topic: dehydrators, sustainability, Chad Knepp, 07/24/2004
- Re: [pcplantdb] off topic: dehydrators, sustainability, Lawrence F. London, Jr., 07/24/2004
- [pcplantdb] tech list, John Schinnerer, 07/26/2004
- Re: [pcplantdb] tech list + webspace for pcplantdb, Lawrence F. London, Jr., 07/26/2004
Re: [pcplantdb] off topic: dehydrators, sustainability,
Lawrence F. London, Jr., 07/24/2004
- Re: [pcplantdb] off topic: dehydrators, sustainability, John Schinnerer, 07/26/2004
[pcplantdb] off topic: dehydrators, sustainability,
Chad Knepp, 07/24/2004
Re: [pcplantdb] Re: milestones,
Lawrence F. London, Jr., 07/23/2004
[pcplantdb] Re: milestones,
Chad Knepp, 07/23/2004
[pcplantdb] Re: milestones,
John Schinnerer, 07/23/2004
Re: [pcplantdb] [re][synthesis],
John Schinnerer, 07/23/2004
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