Subject: pcplantdb
List archive
- From: "John Schinnerer" <john@eco-living.net>
- To: pcplantdb@lists.ibiblio.org
- Subject: [pcplantdb] tech list
- Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2004 20:23:52 -1000 (HST)
> I thought it might be a better idea to start a new list for the public and
> use this one for
> tech/dev since it has a lot of tech info in the message archives which
> would be useful to refer to.
> Since HG has not been formally announced in the pc list, timing that with
> the startup of a new
> list for them might work well. What do you think, shall I request
> something like pcplantdb-public?
The few o-s projects I've been on lists, the most general/generic list
name is the most public list, e.g. pcplantdb in our case. More specific
lists get the hyphen treatment and a specifier, as in pcplantdb-dev,
pcplantdb-data, and so on.
Can the archives from this list be bumped over somehow to pcplantdb-dev?
Otherwise I would prefer something other than '-public', like '-general'
or '-users' or similar.
John Schinnerer - MA, Whole Systems Design
- Eco-Living -
Whole Systems Design Services
People - Place - Learning - Integration
Re: [pcplantdb] [re][synthesis]
, (continued)
Re: [pcplantdb] [re][synthesis],
Richard Morris, 07/24/2004
- Re: [pcplantdb] licenses, John Schinnerer, 07/25/2004
Re: [pcplantdb] [re][synthesis],
Richard Morris, 07/22/2004
[pcplantdb] Re: milestones,
John Schinnerer, 07/23/2004
[pcplantdb] Re: milestones,
Chad Knepp, 07/23/2004
Re: [pcplantdb] Re: milestones,
Lawrence F. London, Jr., 07/23/2004
[pcplantdb] off topic: dehydrators, sustainability,
Chad Knepp, 07/24/2004
Re: [pcplantdb] off topic: dehydrators, sustainability,
Lawrence F. London, Jr., 07/24/2004
- Re: [pcplantdb] off topic: dehydrators, sustainability, Chad Knepp, 07/24/2004
- Re: [pcplantdb] off topic: dehydrators, sustainability, Lawrence F. London, Jr., 07/24/2004
- [pcplantdb] tech list, John Schinnerer, 07/26/2004
- Re: [pcplantdb] tech list + webspace for pcplantdb, Lawrence F. London, Jr., 07/26/2004
Re: [pcplantdb] off topic: dehydrators, sustainability,
Lawrence F. London, Jr., 07/24/2004
- Re: [pcplantdb] off topic: dehydrators, sustainability, John Schinnerer, 07/26/2004
[pcplantdb] off topic: dehydrators, sustainability,
Chad Knepp, 07/24/2004
Re: [pcplantdb] Re: milestones,
Lawrence F. London, Jr., 07/23/2004
[pcplantdb] Re: milestones,
Chad Knepp, 07/23/2004
[pcplantdb] Re: milestones,
John Schinnerer, 07/23/2004
Re: [pcplantdb] [re][synthesis],
Richard Morris, 07/24/2004
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