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market-farming - Re: [Market-farming] Pricing Jerusalem Artichokes and Cut Lettuce

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Subject: Market Farming

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  • From: Road's End Farm <organic87 AT>
  • To: Market Farming <market-farming AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Market-farming] Pricing Jerusalem Artichokes and Cut Lettuce
  • Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2009 08:35:53 -0500

On Nov 20, 2009, at 7:56 AM, Allan Balliett wrote:

Wow! It seems that I've been burning myself on head lettuce. This
fall we've been selling fat heads of red and of green lettuce for $2
each. They have sold like hot cakes. ;-) And they have been SO VERY

I'll move the bag up to $3. A gallon bag! Wow! Glad we spoke since I
serve a METRO area!!

Bear in mind that I'm selling a mixed bag, different colors and textures. You may not be able to get as much for a single head, even if it weighs the same / fills the same size bag.

On the other hand, prices do run lower around here than they do some places.

-- Rivka; Finger Lakes NY, Zone 5 mostly
Fresh-market organic produce, small scale

My lettuce this year was a gallon bag (usually 3 to 4 varieties in a
bag, young lettuce, whole heads) for $3.00. I generally keep the
same price all year. Bags usually weigh half a pound or so; more
when the lettuce is bigger.

Market is in a rural area.

-- Rivka; Finger Lakes NY, Zone 5 mostly
Fresh-market organic produce, small scale

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