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market-farming - Re: [Market-farming] Raising poultry

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  • From: "David Inglis" <mhcsa AT>
  • To: "'Market Farming'" <market-farming AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Market-farming] Raising poultry
  • Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 13:44:25 -0500

Mink or weasel.


-----Original Message-----
From: market-farming-bounces AT [mailto:market-farming-bounces AT] On Behalf Of dalsbrg AT
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 12:56 PM
To: market-farming AT
Subject: [Market-farming] Raising poultry


Greetings Everyone,


I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this problem. My colleague in Rhode Island (zone 6) raises poultry to assist with insect control around her many gardens and she recently lost her small flock. Here is her story:


On Tues before Thanksgiving, we had a very rainy flooding day. My
little stream going into the pond was a river when I got home. The
fence around the pond had been washed down on one end. I only saw 10
ducks huddled by the pond. About 100 ft up I found 2 bodies. They were
not mutilated at all, not a feather missing, just a tiny scrape on each
neck. One neck was still bleeding, but both were dead.
I thought that having escaped the fence area, they had put their heads
under water to dabble around and had got caught between rocks by the
push of the flooding water and had drowned. This had happened once when
I was here to see it. With no bites, feather piles, or marks, I never
suspected animals.
Thanksgiving night the other 10 were all killed inside the locked pen.
There were no gaps that I could find. The drainage rock had not been
moved. 2 heads were eaten, and the rest lay dead, again with only
on their nec ks. What did this? My neighbor said a mink can fit through
1 in wire, but could it get back out after eating 2 heads? I couldn't
even find any fur anywhere on the fence wire. Needless to say, there's
no point in my having ducks until I can find out what this is and kill


Thank you, in advance, for your insight.


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