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market-farming - Re: Market niches

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Subject: Market Farming

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  • From: Alex McGregor <waldenfarm AT>
  • To: market farming <market-farming AT>
  • Subject: Re: Market niches
  • Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2000 16:08:17 -0500


I too sell arugula to restaurants and a local store. What they had been
getting is yellow
and wilted. What do you charge for yours? I charge a very good customer who
buys herbs
and peppers from me $10/lb. The others that just want arugula- $12/lb.

I have a niche market with lettuce varieties that don't ship well- mostly
Batavians. I
grow them all season. They're too tender for shipping. I also grow Bronze
Arrow oak leaf
(from Bountiful Gardens) and some red leaf. One restaurant buys only red leaf
to add to
the cheap iceburg to make the salads look better. Another restaurant buys
Romaine for
their Caesar salads for Sunday brunch.

I get $1.25/lb. for the lettuces- wholesale. I get this because I show them
that if they
trim the crap and core out of the commercial lettuce and weigh it, they find
that mine is
about the same price for what they get- because the cores in mine are small
and I trim it
up so they can use all the leaves.

The fresh herbs are also a niche- because they're fresh and I don't use N
(chemical or "organic") to force rapid growth. They therefore have a higher
aromatic oil
content. One chef passed bags of my basil and mint around to some of his
regulars saying,
"This is why the food tastes so good- his herbs."

Keep on nicheing,
Alex McGregor
Walden Farm
Walden Ridge, TN

Adriana Gutierrez wrote:

> Have any of you identified any interesting market niches that you're
> willing to share with the group? I'll share mine if you'll share
> yours:>)...

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