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internetworkers - Re: [internetworkers] problem with the neighbors and fighting city hall

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  • From: Roger Austin <raustin3 AT>
  • To: "Internetworkers:" <internetworkers AT>
  • Subject: Re: [internetworkers] problem with the neighbors and fighting city hall
  • Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2005 09:17:21 -0400

Jim Ray wrote:
i'm having a little run in with some unruly neighbors and wrote up a little note on the history:

am i truly an old fuddy dud, or do i have a reason to beef? i hate bucking the mayor, city council and police captain.

should i tone down the note before too many eyes see it? any suggestions on how best to remedy the problem other than shaming the city into taking action?

i'm not one to be too politically correct at times :-)

The note is very polite and clear. It will not work. You will need
to be much more vicious and mean to get the attention of anyone in
city hall. Either that, or you will need to plant some poison ivy in
their yard or a trash can on the street and then call the city. They
seem to be interested in those things or downtown "Renewal".
I would gather evidence like video and still photos and a log you
should keep of all violations. Few people will take you seriously if
you don't have a record of the events. Call the police overtime you
see a violation, get photos if you can for documentation. It will be
a PITA, but nothing else is likely to work.

Contact the leaders of the fraternity and have a sit down with them
to address your issues. They will say that they can't control people
once they leave the property.
If that doesn't solve it (and I doubt it will,) go to the university
which should have a greek council and/or liaison. Address the issues
to them and find out what pressure they can place on them.
You could call the property owners and complain. They most likely
won't care, but it is worth a shot. It you get their telephone number,
call them when the events happen, especially if it is late at night.
Call and get on the city council agenda and bring all your evidence
including the photos of people urinating on the house.

If all that doesn't work, call one of the troubleshooter people on
the TV stations to get publicity. Politicians only respond when it
could cost them votes or embarrassment.

Frankly, this is an issue that will not go away until the property
changes hands. Students like to party and some of them are going
to be jerks. Your property value is probably reduced significantly
due to these tenants.

Good luck, Vanderbilt is/was a good neighborhood.
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