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homestead - Re: [Homestead] Not so fast

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  • From: rayzentz AT
  • To: homestead AT
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] Not so fast
  • Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 20:26:17 -0400

Our legionaires do not enforce the rules here.

Dr. Raymond Zentz

It is better to die a free man, than to live, a slave.

-----Original Message-----
From: Lynda <lurine AT>
To: homestead AT
Sent: Mon, Apr 26, 2010 12:55 pm
Subject: Re: [Homestead] Not so fast

We are 12 hours from the border. We have a LARGE illegal community in the
orth state. The vast majority of the illegals up here are Mexican. And
he majority of those are criminals, drug runners and gang members or gang
ecruiters. On the coast and the closer to SF you'll get lots of illegal
hinese, etc. Same in Seattle. Port cities see large illegal Asian
The attitude of a large % of the legal immigrants is not the same as those
hat came through Ellis Island. There is no drive to become part of
merica. There are demands that things be done the way they were done where
hey come from. The illegal fishing and over fishing is a major problem.
hey get hauled in, they shrug and do the whole "no English" routine.
emand a translator and then say "I didn't know." They get a slap on the
rist and 6 months later they are infront of a judge again.
The whole PC crowd is out there screaming that the poor immigrants are being
iscriminated against. That it takes time to learn a new culture, blah,
lah, blah.
When I lived in Mexico, I made it a point to learn the rules/traditions and
ct accordingly. What the hell happened to "when in Rome"?
---- Original Message -----
rom: <Clansgian AT>

Yes, it means I'm using reason and logic instead of being lost in a PC
For instance I generalize that in the Hispanic community (around here, but
I'd not expect it to be much different elsewhere), the odds are very
overwhelming that any individual I encounter speaks Spanish. Here among a
perponderance of red haired, light skinned, blue and green eyed Celtic
when I meet someone dark skinned and black eyed named Ramirez, I ASSUME
they probably speak Spanish.

Turns out I'm right about 100% of the time.

Likewise that person is likely Catholic. However unfair an assumption it
might seem to anyone in a PC fog, most, by far most, of the Hispanic
population is Catholic.

Further, because this is a person of a Hispanic culture, I ASSUME that if
the first thing said is not "Good Day" or "Good Afternoon" or the
it conveys a message of unfriendliness or irritation (while in the
pervailing anglo culture it does not). So I am careful not to ommit it.

Sure there are probably Hispanics right here who do not speak Spanish, are
not Cahtolic, and would never notice if the obligitory greeting were
dispensed with. But they would be the rare exception.

The devoted PCist wants us to view every individual as if they had just
risen out of the sea on the half-shell like Botticelli's Venus. Real
are not like that. They come with language, religion, and culture. What
passes for a resistence of stereotyping and "generalization" is really an
attitude that the other person's culture does not matter .... or even that
does not exist. That itself is the ultimate generalization.

Yes, I generalize. It's because life and existence are made up of
and commonalities. As much as we might want to pretend that it isn't so
and lose ourselves in a comfortable PC fog, it is none the less reality.
generalize because I am not an idiot and I want to both get along with the
wider world and enjoy its verities and varieties to the fullest.</HTML>
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